new generation members

Dumbledore said a few words and just when Alex thought this is over Dumbledore dropped another bomb on him," now you can come out the new generation members of order of pheonix".

Alex eyes widened and he looked around in bewilderment then said," you guys. Headmaster it's dangerous for them to be involved in this. I won't accept it if you insist to let them join the order".

The ones who appeared are his girls, Harry, Ron, Fred and George, Ginny, Draco along with Neville, Cedric. Alex looked bewildered seeing all of them here and they're thenext generation of order of pheonix.

He don't want to see his girls who he took care like delicate roses to be in such dangerous situations not mention his brother and his prank partners along with his other acquaintances. The girls looked at him and pouted then said," hmph, says the one who is secretly killing the dark lord without anyone knowing while everyone in the world is sleeping peacefully".

Alex wanted to retort but the girls said," don't talk anymore we made the decision after hearing all this. We also need to grow up. You're fighting the dark lord and we have to support a you right".

Dumbledore thought he had to quarrel with Alex to convince him but it looks the words from these girls will be enough to shut his mouth. Women are really scary. His mother can make him helpless no matter what level his strrength is. And his girls made him unable to speak with a few words, Dumbledore find this interesting.

The members of order looked at Dumbledore with a glare and said," Albus Dumbledore. Are letting the kids who are supposed to spend their time happily in School to fight dark wizards. One Alex is enough for us to feel guilty now these kids are joining making our heart break due to the powerlessness".

Dumbledore turned to him and said," it's not the time to talk about this Arthur. This is necessary only when the younger generation is strong the future they build will be strong or else we may see another dark lord in future and collapse at that time. This is necessary to let them grow".

Then he looked at Alex and said," not to mention these liitle warriors started a defence club in school without anyone knowing. If Fawkes isn't noisy at that even I won't notuce them", all the adults looked at the kids with a gaze to let them explain.

Dumbledore coughed and said," now we have something important to discuss shall we go and meet other members of order", they all travelled to the grimald place with a portkey and saw sirius, James and Remus along with nymphadora tonks, and a few aurors who supports Dumbledore.

Dumbledore looked at them and said," so now all doubts are sorted and the new generation is here we can start discussing. Voldemort is trying to use a dark ritual to come back. For that he needs blood of the enemy".

He looked at Alex and Harry then said," he considers you as his enemy Alex. But you're powerful enough to fend him off last year. So the target on you will be less. Harry you must be careful because he is thinking there is a special magic in you blood".

He paused for a few sceonds and then continued," he wants to obtain special magic in that so this time his shot towards you will not be deflected back", Alex looked at him and said," in other words he is covering the protection of blood magic that can protect us from the death curse. So if he has the same blood he can succesfully cast it on us without fearing it'll be reflected back like last time".

Dumbledore nodded while Alex is laughing in his heart, blood magic. It's true Lily's love magiceven without ritual is protecting them but it'll be exhausted after a few shots from the death curse. The immunity to death is a blessing given to him. Not to mention this guy is trying to bond with godking bloodline. It's outrageous, this bloodline isn't something that can be acquired easily, if someone try to forcibly integrate this into their body through getting some blood from the original owner they'll cursed and has to suffer from constant boiling of blood and body.