Chapter 4 Training Arc

"After Max accept given my the system he asked the system for instruction to fasten the process and ask the system is there any cheat like a system space to train even faster."

"Yes, Host there is a system space where everything go 1:10 Ratio to further increase the time of training by 10 times but the downside that you will feel the pain 200% each time you die in the system space can give you some mental damage."

"Ok, System sent me to System Space I want to train cause I have only 3 day to finished this extremely hard quest."

"After Max said the system to sent him the system space he slowly lose his consciousness a few second later where am I see a star and galaxy around me."

"Well, Host you are currently at the system space where there is nothing but space and you are in a space time pocket created by the creator. Now, Host which type will you exercise first?"

"I want to train my sword skill first now system can you give me a wooden sword and test dummy to hit one can you also make a background to like a concert wall and floor please."

Ok, Host successful loaded the background and dummy the sword is already at your hand do you need any guide to use sword correctly?


Yes, System tell me the basic of the sword technique step by step to make the speed more efficiency and show me guide using the help of system.

Ok, Host follow this step by step to maximize to the efficiency on using this sword technique.

Step 1 Stand up in a stand position while holding the sword.

Step 2 Take a step with your left or right leg then move you hand while holding the sword hitting the dummy horizontal.

Step 3 Take another step back using left or right leg then move you hand while holding the sword hitting the dummy diagonal.

Step 4 Repeat this boring process again and again until you are tired then rest for a while then start the boring process again.

That how you train your sword technique to maximize efficiency while improve your proficiency so fast as possible.

After max listen the guide given by the system he starting training step by step he starting after a while he started to get tired after swing his swing to hit the dummy. System tell me how much progress I had done while being out of breath and sweating heavily?

Host you having currently swing the sword for 100 times each horizontal and diagonal you still have 900 times left good luck would you like to restore your stamina host?

Yes, System restore my stamina after max said the word he feel his body get lighter and his tiredness is now gone hmm interesting I see it immediately restore my stamina I am going to keep training also system can you make it automatic when my stamina when to 0 immediately restore back to full.

Ok, Host now focus your training you command have set up you only have little time left quickly finish the task or you are going get a penalty.

Max starting training again swing his sword gracefully while hitting the dummy after several hour of process of being tired and back to normal he finally finished his sword training.

Ding! Host have successful completed Swing the Sword for 1000 Times Diagonal

Ding! Host have successful completed Swing the Sword for 1000 Time Horizontal

Nice while being out of breath, I am... going to.... do some... push up... and sit up... system can you recover my stamina after saying the word he fall consciousness.

5 Minute later

What happened to me system the last thing I remember I was getting tired after training restlessly of sword technique then I fell asleep after being tired tell me how many hour has past in real time.

Host, currently 8 hour has past in the real world System will automatic wake you up to the it is currently 6:00 AM in the real world.

After the system said to the max immediately lose his consciousness wake up to an beautiful scenery made from concerted wall and the top with golden chandelier wake up young master max you breakfast is ready said by a maid.

System can you check the status of the maid I want to see how strong is the maid while saying inside the mind.

Sure, Host Displaying Status of the Maid

Name: Mary

Level: 55

Age: 21

Job: Maid/Cook

Title: [Head Maid of Trash Family][B Ranker]

HP: ???/??? to low level to check

MP: ???/??? to low level to check

VIT ??? to low level to check

STR ??? to low level to check

INT ??? to low level to check

AGI ??? to low level to check

Will ??? to low level to check

Skill and Ability

[Epic] Fire Blessing Level ???


[Rare] Cleaning Level ????



Note: Warning Warning Host this is a powerful human becareful this an absolute dangerous maid but that your secret bodyguard.

Max: "Interesting, System tell me does my family have some secrets technique or just powerful clan that have the power of several country or kingdom while pretending asleep."

"Host, Lucky and Unlucky for you one you are born in a very powerful clan called the trash clan where you almost have large amount but unlucky for you will have extremely high expectation cause you are son of head of the trash clan one of the strongest person in the world even if you fail the trail of sword you could easily live a normal life compare to rest of the world but you would be treat like trash and force to work extremely hard."

"Well seem like I have no choice to pass this trail of sword test to have a good life or else I would be branded as trash and work like 16 hour a day while paying little to nothing." After saying that in the mind he started crying to avoid suspicion tear flowing heavily while shouting for mama."