Chapter 7 Rewards

You have finished all the Task need to finished this Easy Quest would you like to check the Reward? There would be an extra reward since you kill the puppet.


Yes, I accepted the reward now show me the reward which I have earned.

Here, Host Displaying your rating and reward

Rating: [+S]

Time Taken: 69Hour and 42 Minutes


+All Stats 10

+All Skill Level Up by One

+(New)[Normal] Ten Sword Technique Lv0

+(New)[Trash] Dodge Level 0

+(New)[Trash] Parry Level 0

+(New)[Trash] Dash Level 0

Max: "Wow that a lot reward I see system is it because I somehow mange to defeat the puppet using skill which I honed using without system giving for free?"

Yes, Host this is how much you had improve the Dodge, Parry, Dash are just Display that you master the basic of using the technique system only show how much you had improve and amount of mastery you had achieve in this skill or technique system my goal is guide you to achieve your goal.

I see that why I feel my body and mind feel better than normal and especially the sword I think I got a better understand of the sword and also can you display my status.

Displaying Player Status

Name: Max

Level: 0

Title:[Mid Tier Trash][Reincarnation of Minor God][Minor Fate Defying]

Age: 0

HP 200/200

MP 200/200

VIT 20

STR 20

INT 20

AGI 20

Will 20

Free Status: 0

Talent and Skill

[Rare] Minor Luck Aura Level 1

(New)[Normal] Ten Sword Technique Level 1

(New)[Trash] Dodge Level 1

(New)[Trash] Parry Level 1

(New)[Trash] Dash Level 1

[Trash]Body Refining Technique Level 1

[Trash]Mana Training Technique Level 1

[Trash]Basic Sword Technique Level 1

Note: Congratulation host you have reach the first step of being overpower keep working hard you can easily beat most low level adventure.

How can improve the ten sword technique while being at the system space again can you tell me the currency of the world and is there any business plan so that I could money?

Sure, Explaining the Currency of the world

In this world the global currency is called the Trash Coin can be mainly earn by hunting in the gate or dungeon inside their would be mob and creature where you can kill them for reward if you died in a dungeon you lose a level but if you die in a gate you die for real but the different is dungeon is stable where adventure hunt daily while gate is an event where some broken piece of the other world invade the main world but the reward is very high for those who survive. The Second Way is the go the danger zone where there field boss and mob where you could kill for reward and money.

Thank you for the tip system now tell me how many day left for the trail of sword. Is there any way that I could built my custom dungeon to make a farm to produce high quality food and Meat sell at a good price at the market. Is it possible to make a custom man made dungeon or find a old broken dungeon that is already destroy so that I could repair it.

Host, there are three main way to obtain my dungeon are

The first way is the get a reward is to solo defeat the S Rank Gate where there is 1 Percent Chance where you obtain the right to own a dungeon.

The second way is the get a legendary class called the Dungeon Master where you will be randomly given my starter dungeon by chance if you become one you most likely would be help by your family because each dungeon master is extremely valuable cause they could produce large amount resource depending what type of dungeon.

The Third way is to find a dungeon core and try to claim after claiming the dungeon core it become a blank core where you can build your own custom place by using resources gain by the killing monster to upgrade your dungeon to make it bigger and produce mob and plant.

Thank a lot system tell me how many day left for the trail of sword cause I want train my technique more so I have a higher chance winning a trail.

Ok Host Displaying the Quest

(First Mission)[Survive the Trial of Sword]

Information: The Trial of Sword is the Legendary Trial created the Trash family when every baby born have to take a trial at the same time those who fail will be normal but those who pass the trail will gain the blessing of the sword.

Pass the Trail of Sword 0/1

Reward: Blessing of Sword and System Space

Failure: Removal of the Trash System and your soul

Time Left: 4 Day

After checking the status he asked the system to let him to train his all his technique for betting chance of winning the trail of sword so the system let him train by dodge obstacle course while continuous blocking and fighting against puppet while dodging dangerous trap such as spike, laser, arrow trap, pitfall trap and etc. After 3 Day of continuous of training, resting, crawling around the garden eating great food and repeating this process for 3 day. He finally take a rest by sleeping for 12 hour to prepare for the day of the trail of sword.

Ding! Host wake up today is the where the trail of sword will take place said by the system.

After that a random maid carry max and several other baby from the side or the main family have been carry by the maid to an unknown location where the gate of the trail where take place. Then the head of the family said welcome everyone the older member of the clan this is the trail of sword where this would most likely determine your future of the status now everyone prepare the gate of the trail of sword will be opened.