They had relaxed and settled in for 3 hours and Lily promised to visit Ace this afternoon and contacted him. He wanted to invite her to lunch, and they agreed to meet at a restaurant and sent her the location of the place.
She stood up and looked at the others and said, "I have a date with someone."
When Fergus heard her, he looked at her suspiciously and said, "Remember what happened last time."
When Lily heard him, she was reminded of the dried-up mummy face and her body shook in fright and said, "It's Ace so no don't worry." and smiled.
Fergus and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and she said goodbye to them. Since it was just the two of them, she saw it as a kind of date and therefore couldn't bring Arba with her.
When she got outside, she looked at Jun De who would attract attention and chose Pegasus instead. She looked at her masks and her eyes fell on one with a blue face with a long white beard and it looked like there was golden lightning in his eyes. There was a gold crown on his head. She immediately took it out very curiously:
Mask of Zeus. Can only be used once.
So, Zeus was blue in the face in this new world.
Nothing made sense so she had to get used to it and put on the mask and got on the Pegasus and flew towards the restaurant.
They landed in a small street in front of a small white building that looked like an apartment, and it looked cozy. There was a window to investigate the building, but there were no customers in there. Lily got off Pegasus and looked around but couldn't see Ace and was suddenly worried that they were in the wrong place.
She looked at Pegasus and knew he couldn't understand her but said, "It was here, wasn't it?"
He nodded so that meant it was the right place. As she was about to walk around the building, she saw Ace coming from the right side and was relieved.
He smiled and walked over to her and said, "You found it."
"At first I thought I had gone wrong." Lily said.
"Come on, we're going to the other side of the building." Ace said holding her left hand.
Lily looked around but noticed that they were the only ones present, so she guessed that Ace either owned the place or that it was reserved especially for him by the place.
They walked around the building and on the other side there was another street which looked like a shopping area because there were many people on the street, and it looked lively. Lily saw that it was the same building but, on this side, it looked like a cafe with people sitting outside under a half roof. She thought it was a private place and was disappointed because she hated strangers in general.
When Ace noticed her reaction he said, "We're not going in there but to the right."
Lily looked to the right of the cafe and saw a large black door that she hadn't noticed before. They went to the door and Ace opened it and they went inside with Pegasus.
As they walked through a dark hallway she asked, "Can Pegasus come in?"
"Yes, don't worry." Ace replied, smiling.
After they had walked for a minute, they came out into a large courtyard which had a garden with a grassy area, a fountain and a flower bed.
Lily immediately went to the flower bed and looked at the flowers. She saw that it looked similar to those as when she had first met Ace so that meant that this place might be owned by him. She looked around and saw that there was a round wooden table and some chairs around it. Behind there was a door and 2 windows which looked like the same cafe on the other side. When she saw Pegasus sit down in the grass she went to the table and sat down and took off the mask.
Ace sat down across from her and couldn't help but blush when he saw her face.
Lily thought it was cute that he looked shy, and she wanted to eat him and smiled.
"I hope the food is good because I love food." she said.
"I'm picky so I mostly eat here. Is there anything you can't stand?" Ace asked.
When Lily had hay-fever she could get hives and mentioned some fruits she couldn't tolerate. Even though she was immune to poison and diseases she still didn't trust the system especially after her Black Bible and clone had failed her.
"It's noted. The food should be ready soon." Ace said smiling.
Lily looked up and saw windows and didn't know if people were spying on them but since it was a private place that Ace had it was impossible for her to trust him.
"It's a beautiful place and it's peaceful." she said smiling at him.
"Have you visited your home?" he asked curiously.
Lily began to explain how beautiful it was but chose not to go into too many details because the previous owner was Ezekiel, and he would wonder how she had managed to acquire such a large mansion. She knew she could trust him and mentioned her episode with Dean and her clone having failed.
"You do the craziest things, but you also have a strange system, so I understand you well. I would have gone crazy if I had it." Ace chuckled.
"It's possibly because I'm already crazy that I can live with it." Lily said honestly.
She told about her clerical quest in the various temples and how she planned to gather a group of strong people.
After some time, 2 women came out carrying food on trays and Lily could smell chicken and was looking forward to eating because she loved chicken.
A large silver dish was placed in the middle of the table with a large golden chicken with crispy skin that looked like a fat goose. All around were small potatoes that looked like they were wrapped in brown sugar. There were various vegetables and around and there was a small bowl with something yellow that looked like béarnaise sauce.
The women left them, and Ace began to cut the chicken and spread it on their plates. When Lily had collected everything on her plate she began to eat.
It tasted heavenly and the chicken was perfectly tender and juicy.
"I love chicken." she said.
"They make them perfectly here." Ace said, glad she liked the food as he didn't know what could impress her.
When they had eaten, they were served tea and rhubarb pie with something that resembled Greek yogurt or sour cream.
Later when they were completely done eating Ace looked at Lily and asked, "Do you have any other plans today?"
Lily had the 200 kills she planned to get some of tonight and she also had to find the netherworld inn so she could post her job posting. She had been told that people only came there in the evening and that was the reason why the inn was called netherworld.
"I have a quest, but I plan to complete it late tonight." she answered.
Ace smiled and said, "Okay. So, stay with me until then."
He had helped her when she was in need and she could confide in him and said, "Okay. Do you have any plans?"
She didn't know if they were going out skating and was afraid her Zeus mask would break if she fell on the ice.
"There is a place I would like to show you." Ace said standing up.
He took out a gray whistle and blew it and a gray magic circle appeared beside him. There was a huge falcon with a dark brown back, a dark face, and a white chest where the belly had dark lines that looked like waves. It had black eyes and had a hooked black beak, and its wings were grey blue.
Lily knew about bird species because her father was fascinated by them and had taught her quite a bit and the falcon in front of her looked like a peregrine falcon which was known as the world's fastest bird in the air.
She got up and walked over to it in admiration because she had never seen such a big falcon before.
She looked at Ace and said, "You continue to impress me." and looked at the falcon again.
"Who is that master?" the falcon suddenly asked, and Lily was so startled that her heart skipped an extra beat.
Wow, it could talk and it was male.
"This is Lily. She's an important person to me." Ace replied.
The falcon looked at Lily and then at Pegasus who had stood up and walked over to them.
It blinked a few times and said, "I understand."
Lily looked at Pegasus and asked, "Can't he follow us where we're going?"
"No. It's far away, but with him here it will be fast. Your Pegasus is too slow. We will come back here again." Ace replied.
Lily said goodbye to Pegasus and promised to come back and mounted the great falcon. Ace put on a green hooded cloak and sat down behind her. The falcon flapped its big wings, and they flew into the sky at once.
They flew so fast that Lily had a hard time admiring the scenery below them, but she tried to look anyway. She could feel the cold air in her nostrils, and it tickled sometimes. Her cheeks turned red as the cold wind hit her and suddenly felt Ace holding her closer. She held his hands which were closed at her stomach and smiled. She felt her heart beat faster and had a nice feeling inside. He was a gentleman and had not inquired about her background ever since they had slept together.
"Thank you for not asking questions." she said.
"Sooner or later they will be revealed and I have enough time." Ace said smiling and kissing her on her left cheek.
She felt a pair of soft warm lips and smiled because it was warm and nice.
It was a long flight and after 20 minutes the falcon slowed down and Lily saw a lot of tall green mountains all over. There were white clouds on top and it looked absolutely magical. They flew through the clouds and suddenly a huge grassy area appeared surrounded by mountain peaks. She saw that they were on top of a hill and when she looked down, she saw a field of white flowers. They landed close to the field and got off the falcon.
"I assume they are not for harness." Lily said walking over to the flowers.
"No, they are moon flowers." Ace replied walking over to her.
Lily remembered seeing a moon lily when she first met him.
"They are beautiful. It's a beautiful place. Thank you for taking me here." she said looking at him.
Ace hugged her and kissed her gently on the lips and said, "I'm reminded of you when I see them. Come let me show you all of them." and held her left hand and they started walking around the flowers as Ace told a little about them.
When Lily had seen all the flowers they flew back to the cafe where Pegasus was still present.