Chapters 19

Pulling into the parking lot where our prisoner is, I go through all of the different ways to extract information. There is scare tactics like using pictures of their loved ones against them. This type of tactic is just us acquiring the picture but the people are not bothered. The next tactic is force. This one involves physical means of extraction. Things such as hits to the face and more. Then there is finally torture. This tactic is only used in extreme cases. Nail removal, unplanned dentistry, water boarding, and anything that causes major pain or loss of limb falls into that category. I have only have used torture twice in my life. Huxley does it most of the time it is required because he is scarily good at it. In all honesty, you have to have a dark side in this line of work.

"What do you suggest we start with, Hux?" I ask as I unbuckle my seatbelt. "And don't say torture right off the bat."

Hux looks at me in amusement before opening his door. "I say we start with force since he has been unresponsive to everything so far. If that doesn't work, we will go from there." I see him glance at Christopher when he finishes his reply and I know why he didn't just say it. He is not wanting to scare Christopher on what is about to happen.

"Sounds good. Let's get in there," I say as I take my mask out of the bag in the back. Grabbing an extra one that we keep on hand, I hand it to a confused Christopher. "Put this on and push the button on the side of the throat device. This will ensure that your identity will stay hidden as well as change your voice. Do not use our names while we are in there, we use code names. Mine is Boss, Huxley's is Red Blood, Grayson's is Tracker, Jaxon's is Chaste, Megan's is Foxy, and Draco there is Demon. You can pick a code name of your choice or we can give you one. Any preference on what you want to be called?"

Christopher thinks for a moment before he looking at my brothers, "I would like you to pick if you have any suggestions." He is looking directly at Grayson.

Grayson nods and thinks for a moment before a smirk appears on his face. It looks innocent, but I know my brother and his evil side is right behind the façade. "Zephyr."

Christopher nods his head and I start to wonder if he knows what Zephyr really means. No time to explain it now. "Okay," I say glancing at Grayson. "Zephyr it is. We all have marks on our masks to tell you who is who. They are the first letters of our code names." I look Christopher in the eyes when I ask, "Are you certain you want to do this?"

"I told you that wherever you go, I go. I am sure," he tells me with certainty.

"Okay. If it gets to be to much, step out of the room if you need to. Move out," I announce to the group.

Going inside, we head down to the basement where the interrogation will be performed. A long hallway starts at the bottom of the stairs doors on both sides as one sits at the very end. Christopher is walking right behind me as we pass door after door following Draco. The group makes it to the door at the end of the hall and Draco opens the door. Stepping inside, we see the guy tied to the metal chair in the center of the room asleep. He looks like he has already had a fun time with Draco. Everyone enters the room as Draco goes over to a bucket that is by the metal table with all of the equipment. The door shuts as he grabs the bucket and flings Ice water on the man in the chair. Yelling fills the room as the man wakes up from the sudden shock.

"Rise and shine!" Draco says as he sets the bucket down. He walks over to stand in front of the man. "Are you going to cooperate today?"

"Go to hell," the man says as he shivers.

Draco stands up and turns to me. "He's all your boss."

"Thanks Demon," I say as I walk forward. The man now realizes that there's others in the room besides Draco. He looks at me and realizes that I'm a female. Eyes roam up and down my body as he gets a smirk on his face.

"If I knew you were bringing me a good time I would have asked to clean up first," he says to Draco. "You here to make me feel better, baby?"

"Someone will definitely having fun but it won't be you," I say as I reach him. Throwing my fist into his face, I continue, "and I ain't your baby."

He grunts from the force of the impact before spitting blood on the floor. When he turns back to look at me, he chuckles. "I like it rough. I am pretty sure I could handle you."

I see Christopher go to move forward before he is stopped by Grayson and Jaxon. They whisper something to him and I see him relax a little bit but keeps his eyes on my.

"Well you see, I'm not up for grabs. There is only one person who can handle me and you are not them. Oh and just so you know, you're just digging your grave the more you talk to me like that," I tell him as I motion for the first weapon to be handed over. Huxley hands me the police baton as the man is now loosing his macho. "The fact that you just insulted and sexually harassed the person who holds your life in their hands, I would now start to worry if I will even see tomorrow." Swinging the baton, it connects with the side of his face.

"You bitch! You can't be the boss because a dumb woman like you can't handle it," the man says.

Huxley looks at me and I give a nod. With fluid like motion, Huxley upper cuts the man in the chair sending his head back.

"Let's get this started, shall we?" I say as I walk over to the table. I see a hammer and pick it up. "Who are you and who hired you?"

"Go to hell," the man says.

"Wrong answer," I say as I swing the hammer at his kneecap. I didn't break it but I did make it hurt like hell. He screams out in pain as I bend down slightly in front of him. "Want to try again?"

"I'm not telling you shit," he grits out.

"Have it your way then," I say as I straighten up. I look at Huxley, "Phase 3?"

Huxley smirks at me with a nod of his head as he goes over to the table. The sound of running water fills the room for a minute before it turns off. Huxley walks over to me and hands me the bucket. Grabbing the man's hair and yanks his head back as he places the cloth over the man's mouth and nose. I pour water on the cloth for about 20 seconds before I stop.

"How about now?" I ask as his eyes dart to me. He shakes his head and I pour more water on the cloth. We do this a few times before we move to the next process.

I let Huxley perform this task which is pulling teeth. After 3 teeth are gone, he is still refusing to answer our questions. I grab the pliers off of the desk and walk close to the chair. As I am about to place the pliers under the first fingernail, he finally caves.

"Wait! Fine, I'll tell you everything just please stop," he pleads with ragged breath.

I stand up and step back a few steps but I keep the pliers visible to him. This is to let him know what is in store for him if he refuses again. "Let's start with the easy question, what's your name?"

"Nick," he says as he catches his breath.

"Who hired you Nick?" I inquire next.

"A woman by the name Chelsea Jones," he answers. We had already known that part but we needed the confirmation on tape since this is being recorded.

"Why did she hire you to kidnap a four year old boy?" I ask in a hard tone. I am fighting my mother instincts and keep my emotions in check so my voice doesn't convey anything.

"She has told us that the boy was her family that was taken earlier that day. We all believed her and did the job. It was only after that we found out it was a lie and we just kidnapped a very important person. The kid was at, what we later learned, the Anderson mansion. Just as we were about to take him home, you came in and took us out first," he states as he looks down. "I don't kidnap kids because of a jealous person. The only time I have ever did until now was to get them back to their families."

I look at him and cross my arms. "What did this Chelsea do after you confronted her?"

Nick looks up at me with eyes shining of anger and regret. "She confirmed our suspicions and said that his mother took something of hers so she did the same. We all were pissed at the fact she used us like that and ruined our reputation. Our family already has a bad reputation already and we don't need this making it worse," Nick states. Wait a minute, who is his family? I have a hunch, I just hope I'm wrong.

Stepping towards him, I move his hair back off his of his shoulder. A big 'V' stares back at me and I step back. "You a member of Volodya," I state as I look at Nick who is looking at me in curiosity.

"I am, my family runs the whole thing. How did you know where the tattoo would be?" He asks as he tilts his head to the side.

I look at Huxley and then glance over at Christopher before answering the question. "Because I know all about your family's reputation as well as how you operate. I have crossed paths with some of your members before and that's how I know," I tell him seeing as it's not far from the truth.

"Yeah, my parents hate it when some go off their rocker and do things that we don't stand for," Nick says as he looks irritated.

"Who is your dad?" I ask him even though I have a guess.

"Vladimir Ivanov, the Don," Nick says with a hint of proudness in his voice.

"Well shit. We have a few more questions and then we will decide on what to do," I tell Nick. He nods for me to continue as he looks at me with curiosity. "What are you going to do to Chelsea Jones?"

"I was going to go talk to my father and plan to take her down that way. She needs to be dealt with because that boy didn't deserve for that to happen to him'" Nick states in certainty. He looks at the others in the room. "Are you all here to take her down also?"

Grayson steps forward and stands by me. "We have had her on our radar for five years now. We have been waiting for a chance to take her down for good and it looks like it's about to happen."

Nick nods his head as he thinks for a few minutes. His eyes widen a bit before his head snaps up to look at me. "What if I help you. WE can help you. My family has many connections and it would be a win-win situation."

I think about this for a moment and decide to ask my last two questions first. "Before I answer that, I have two questions left for you. Why did you stab a woman and hit a kid in the head?"

Nicks face falls as he remembers what I am speaking about. "That was Ted. I didn't know he did that until we had already left and was bragging about it. Let's just say that Ted is now taking a dirt nap now." He looks away for a moment before he looks at everyone. "Are they both okay?"

I nod my head at him, "They both are fine. The boy has a minor concussion and the woman had to have blood transfusions from losing to much blood."

Nick nods as his demeanor relaxes some at the news. I feel like this is now a good time for the last question.

"Last question. There was a hit put out on a person we extracted from your organizations hold a few weeks ago at a warehouse across town. Will you call off the hit?" I ask. If anyone could do it, it's this man.

"Was it a man named Christopher?" Nick asks. I nod my head as I keep eye contact with him so I don't give anything away. "All of that has been taken care of. Ted was the person who wanted him so this Christopher guy is safe now. I will make sure with my father if you were to let me go. If not, I will need to use a phone."

"No need. I think that we could work together to take Chelsea Jones down. We need to have an audience with your father to go over everything that needs to be done," I tell him as I step towards the door.

"I will definitely get it set up. Just give me the contact information for me to get ahold of one of you," Nick states in determination. "Oh and Boss... I am sorry for earlier."

"Demon, get your team and return Mr. Nick to where ever he needs to and hand him the card. Oh and make sure he remembers not to double cross me," I say before I walk out with the rest behind me.

My team except for Draco all make our way upstairs to the car. Everyone waits until we are back on the road before we take our masks off for Megan to put them back in our bag. I honestly hoped that the interrogation wouldn't come to what it did. Glancing in the rearview mirror, I see Christopher looking out of the window. I did warn him that it would probably not be his cup of tea, but the man insisted. He stayed in the room watching what was happening and didn't even flinch once. I just hope that he doesn't think that I am a bad person now and try to take Tuck.

Pulling up to the front of the house, I let everyone get out before taking the car around to the shop in the back. After everyone is out, I put the car in park as someone climbs up front with me. Christopher sits down in the passenger seat as I start to move the vehicle.

"That wasn't exactly what I was expecting," he admits out loud.

"I did try to warn you. Huxley normally takes over that part for me when it comes to that but I had to this time. There was no question about it," I tell him as we near the shop. The bay door opens up when I push the button on the ceiling of the car. I park the car and go to get out when Christopher stops me.

"I understand why you did it. To be honest, I wish I could have helped you. I just didn't expect to see a side of you like that. You continue to amaze me every day," he says as he give me a small smile.

"So I didn't scare you off?" I ask with a small chuckle. Here I thought that he would now hate me and think of me as unfit to care for Tucker.

"Never. It just makes me love you more to know that you can take care of yourself and situations like that," he states as he eyes my lips. "I have to he honest, it was weirdly a turn on for me."

"Oh was it now?" I ask him as he starts to lean towards me. He nods his head to answer me but says nothing. "Well, then you will need a cold shower for the time being." I close the distance between us and give him a lingering kiss before I get out. I laugh when I hear him swear before getting out.

"You, my love, are a little minx. When the time comes, you will pay for your little stunt you just pulled," Christopher says as he takes my hand for the walk back.

"Can't wait," I say with a wink.