Chapter 25: The Dungeon Master

I'm guessing illusion magic was used here. But how did I not notice it, and who could have done it? For some reason, in the back of my mind, I imagined a yellow fly buzzing around while laughing.

I used the dispel spell and continued to walk down while constantly looking back to see if I was actually going down, and to my relief, I was.

I sighed. I will get my time to punish the one responsible for this dungeon later. Now I should focus on clearing it.

It took me two minutes to clear the stairs and enter a circular room. I was happy there was light in this room, and I wouldn't need to use the small orb of light anymore.

"So what do we have here?" I asked myself, looking at the room.

Then, an annoying voice came from nowhere, "Hey, what are you doing here?" This floor isn't finished!" It said, and then something started flying around me.

"Isn't finished, huh?" I said, my eyes twitching as I saw who it was.

"Yeah, why do you think the entrance was hidden, and I placed a strong Illusion spell on the stairs?" She asked, and I regretted not bringing a fly swatter.

"If it wasn't finished, you should have hidden it better!" I shouted, annoyed as she was still circling around me.

She stopped and looked at me more closely, "Even so, you shouldn't even be able to open the first door," She stopped, and her eyes widened, "No! If you are here, then my best golems..." She mumbled and fell to her knees.

Nope, I'm leaving.

I turned around and was about to go up the stairs again, but something was tugging on my shirt.

"Where do you think you are going?" She asked, flying in front of me, "You destroyed my best golems, so now you must help me create this place!"

"No..." I answered and tried to swat her away.

"If you leave, the demon lords will be going after you!" She threatened, but she sounded panicked.

She wouldn't do that, right? Well, knowing her, there is a small possibility she would do that, but then again, she wouldn't know who I am or where to find me.

"And how would you know a demon lord?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Haha!" She laughed before pointing at herself, "I'm one of the Ancient Demon Lords," She said while looking proud.

"Are all Demon Lords weak like you?" I asked, knowing that in her true form, she would be one of the strongest beings in this world.

"I'm not weak!" She yelled right into my ear, "If you want to know, I could defeat Veldora with one punch!" She declared while shadowboxing.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh really..."

"Yeah, so you should now help me work on this place!"

I sighed, "Fine..." She won't stop annoying me and would probably find a way to find me in the church to annoy me even more.

But looking at the bright side, I could make traps that would annoy other people...

"Hmmm..." She hummed while looking at me, "For someone so young, you must be strong if you managed to come down here."

"I think I'm average," I answered.

"Have humans gotten stronger since the last time I saw one?" She asked.

Ignoring her, I asked, "So, where do we start with the dungeon?"

"Oh, look here. I wanted to make this room show the person's deepest fears!" She said excitedly...

"Hmmm." I hummed. If I'm going to help her, then let's make the person trying to go through the dungeon suffer, "Then make it so when they clear this floor, they will get flushed down to the next.

Her eyes instantly got stars, "I knew you were a good person for this job!" She was practically drooling at this point, "To think of something so incredible!"

Her constant yelling was starting to get annoying, but I forced myself through as we started creating this dungeon floor.

She also mentioned that you couldn't actually die in this place, so I could go all out.

The next floor was supposed to be a maze where the person that cleared the previous floor would be flushed directly into, so we started making different traps.

"Hmm... What are you doing here?" Ramiris asked, standing on my shoulder.

"Oh, this is a simple trap that will detect if the person is male or female." I said, and she looked at me confused, so I decided to explain it further, "If it's a female, it will shoot fire at their hair, and if it's a male, then it will shoot an ice spike at... you know where,"

After explaining it, she looked terrified for some reason, "You are a demon!" She exclaimed, flying away from me.

"No, I'm human..." Half-Human? Demi-Human? Monster? I honestly still don't know. Weren't the monarchs supposed to be similar to Spiritual Lifeforms?

"Then you must have been raised by demons to come up with something like this!" She shouted while pointing at me.

Well, Vampires, not demons, "This is just a harmless prank, and with a healing potion, everything will be fixed." I said casually, "Plus, you said people can't die in here."

"Yup... He was raised by demons..." She mumbled.

"Speaking of demons, can you tell me about the demon lords?" I asked her while still tinkering with my little prank trap.

"I'm not allowed to talk about other demon lords." She said, and I sighed, expecting it.

We continued creating the floor, adding more traps everywhere. I even placed a few flashbang spells just before the nut-remover traps. The flashbang spell, just as it sounds, will impair someone's hearing and eyesight with a blinding flash of light.

I learned it so it could be used in a fight. While it probably won't strongly affect stronger enemies, especially those with the magic sense skill, it's still useful against other people and mainly to annoy them.

"Hmmm..." I hummed while thinking of another trap that could be placed here.

Maybe an illusion-type spell that will make fun of someone's height?


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter.

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