Chapter 32: Black Cloak [Part 2]

"Wh-wh-what..." The leader was stuttering on the floor, looking at me in fear, unlike just a few seconds ago.

I kicked him lightly and made him fly and hit the wall, "I will be the one asking the questions," I said and walked to where he crashed.

"What was the summoning ritual for?" I asked, and he didn't answer, so I decided to break his leg.

Stepping on his leg, I put in a bit of force and could hear his bones shatter easily, "ARGHHHHH!" He screamed.

"Now, if you don't answer my question, I will break the other one, and this will continue until you tell me what I want," I explained before giving him a smirk, "And don't worry, I know healing magic." I waited for him to understand what I just said, "So now answer my question."

"W-we wanted t-to s-summon o-otherworlders," He stuttered out.

"Good now. Was it only you, or are there more people in your group?" I asked and placing my foot over his other leg to scare him.

"W-we have more locations t-they are on that map -o-o-over there!" He said, pointing at the map I saw before.

"Do you have other hidden bases besides the ones marked on the map?" I asked, ignoring him.

"N-No, no, we d-don't." He stuttered out, "Please let me live. I won't tell anyone!"

"Hmmm." I hummed, "I don't think I will." I told him and killed him.

[300 EXP Gained]

[Magicules increased by 300]

"Now, Arise!" I ordered the dead bodies, and without any problems, they became my shadows.

"Was everything you said true?" I asked the shadow, to which it nodded. While the shadows couldn't talk yet, they could understand, so I used it to confirm if everything he said was true.

Before going to the next place, I took everything they had and stored it in my inventory, heading straight to the one that was marked the biggest out of all of the areas while my shadows went for the others.

Flying at full speed for twenty minutes, I arrived at the locations and felt sixty people together, already performing the magic, so I quickly made it to them.

"Now that we have the sacred scroll, no one can stop us!" I heard someone shout, and when I saw the scroll in his hand, I stopped, and my eye widened.

"HAHAHAHA!" I laughed, alerting them of my position, "Oh, I can't." I wheezed. The scroll they had was the one from the dungeon I created with Ramiris two years ago.

"Who are you!?" The leader of this group shouted, pointing a staff at me.

"Oh, I'm just here to kill you, but thanks for the laugh. I needed that." I said and tried to stop laughing.

"You think you can do something against us? A single kid against sixty capable mages." He asked with a smirk, and a fireball flew in my direction.

I calmly sidestepped the fireball and walked toward them calmly while observing their reactions, "Weak magic like this won't be enough, so if you want to win, maybe use that scroll." I said in a bored tone.

"You think I will waste a scroll like this on a kid who luckily dodged a simple spell?" The leader laughed.

I sighed, "I see, then let's make it fun," I said and smiled, "If you don't use that scroll, I will kill you. One. By. One." I focused on one of the members, "You will be the first." In an instant, I was in front of him, my hand sticking out of his chest.

I turned to look at the leader, "Look, his heart is still beating." I said with a slightly insane smile as I pulled my hand out with a still-beating heart before crushing it.

[300 EXP Gained]

[Magicules increased by 300]

"E-Everyone, fire spells at him! He's a Demon!" He shouted and tried to run away, but I had a shadow soldier hide in his shadow.

Dozens of spells started flying at me, but they were too slow, so I started to dodge them and started to kill them using the martial arts I had learned. Kicks, punches, and throws with the force I used instantly killed them like they were nothing.

"Hahaha." My laughter could be heard through the dimly lit room as the body parts that were hit quickly separated from their bodies due to the force they were hit by. So in a matter of a few minutes, every single one of them was dead.

Why am I enyoing this? Seeing their terrified faces and their blood sprayed throughout the room makes me feel excited.

Should I stop? I thought about it for a moment, but something inside told me that there wasn't anything wrong with enjoying their death. They deserved what was coming to them.

"Arise," I ordered, and 59 shadows bowed to me, "Now it's time to go for the leader," I said and used shadow exchange to appear behind him.

Tapping him on the shoulder, I asked, "So are you going to use the scroll now?"

He turned around, his eyes wide and his leg shaking. He fell on the floor and tried to move away from me and opened the scroll, "L-Let the one and only god R-Rick everyone!" He said the chant, and the only thing that happened was the song that started playing.

I cringed and backed away slightly as the song started playing. Did I really think this was a good chant to activate the spell? I feel slightly ashamed I made this scroll.

"HAHAHA! You shouldn't let me use this now that you messed up the ritual. I should use the control spell on you." He said, regaining some confidence, and stood up before walking up to me.

But then I grabbed his wrist and looked him in the eyes, "Did you really this that thing had actual power? I created it as a joke a few years ago." I said, and I could see him become pale as a ghost.

Well, my shadows have already done their job, so I should just end it here. I used the Ice Breaker. His whole body froze before it shattered, and I turned him into shadows before doing the same thing in the four other locations that my shadow cleared while also storing everything useful from them, like notes and anything about the group.


Afterward, I went to Mom to show her everything about the group and if there was a bigger mastermind behind them, but I doubt there was.

"Black Cloak?" She said while looking through the papers, "Their naming sense is getting worse with every new group that pops up."

"Yeah, found them by luck, and apparently, they want to summon otherworlders to bring you down." I said with a sigh, "I have already taken down the six locations marked on the map, but they could have been part of something bigger."

"It's possible, but who would do that?" She asked while taking another paper, "Who would be stupid enough to go against the whole of Ruberios."

I thought about it for a bit but couldn't think of anyone besides one kingdom, "A few years back, Ramris and I made a dungeon for fun with a fake scroll, and I left the information for Falmuth, one of them had it today. It could be someone from Falmuth, or they lost the scroll."

"Hmmm." She hummed, "Yes, I've been told about it." She rubbed her temples, remembering it, "You should be glad it was Ramiris, not any of the other Demon Lords." She said.

"Oh, and what Demon Lord should I watch out for then?" I asked with a smirk.

"All of them!" She screamed, throwing the papers everywhere, "I can't deal with you anymore!"

"Don't worry, if I meet anyone of them, I will get away," I said, waving my hand like it wasn't a big deal. Now that I have thoughts of soldiers in my shadow and a jar of honey, the only Demon Lord I should watch out for is Guy, but the chances of him leaving the ice continent are small.

"Actually, Mom..." I stopped myself, "No, never mind." I wanted to ask her about the feeling I got while killing them but decided not to.


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter.

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