Chapter four

Waking up early, I stumble to the coffee machine. Trying to calm this headache, and that doesn't seem possible when I see Chetan enter the trailer. He throws the door open loudly.

He looks mad, and honestly I don't care.

"I am warning you to stay clear from my mate."

I tried to wipe the grin on my face, but I just couldn't help it.

"Chetan, warning me?"

"Zare is mine." He nearly hissed the words at me.

"And so is Kiara?" I stopped pouring my coffee and glared at him.

"That's really none of your business."

"This is my pack, which literally makes it my business. And Zare, she's definitely my business."

"And that's why you're taking apples from the tree?"

I took a deep breath. Fucking Dev's big mouth. As much as I love him, he's literally one of my best friends. I also know that he's very close to Chetan, and he'll never keep a secret from him.

"Do not tell Zare." I look him directly into the eyes.


I know Zare wouldn't want me to tell Chetan the story of her previous pack. I know if I did and word got back to her, she would lose trust in me. But also have to convince Chetan to protect her.

"Because if you do, she'll leave the pack."

"You can't know that for sure."

"I do, she's been through a lot and she won't stay in the pack that she's known to be destined to doom."

Chetan swallows hard. "Fine, but you stay away from my mate."

"Then you break up with Kiara."

"You know I can't hurt her. I won't."

"Then you don't make claims on someone you don't even want."

I move past him, bumping my shoulder directly into him. If Chetan wants a fight. I will give him one. Maybe getting his ass kicked will bring him down a few levels.

Chetan is a wonderful person, though, and I could always rely on him to take care of the girls and the pack. He is a genuine and headstrong person. Zara won't be the only issue I have with Chetan. If I wasn't around, and not Alpha inherited, Chetan would lead my pack and be damn good at it. Chetan should be a natural born Alpha; everything about him is a leader. He would be the one person that can overthrow me and take my pack if only he wanted to. And I'm not necessarily talking about physically, I'm talking about the ability to get people to like him. Could he influence Dev and the girls to try to rise against me? I don't know, but Chetan must remain on my radar.

Taking a bite of the apple, the sweet liquid coming from oozes over my lower lip. It was honey crisp and absolutely delicious, but not worth the consequence

" Chetan, is he my greatest competition?"

The tree quietly laughs. "He's your equal, and can either be your greatest companion or your worst enemy."

"If I decided?" I asked the question, even though I know the tree can give me no more answers.

"Great Alpha, haven't you learned how this works?"

I nod.

Taking another Apple, I took a bite, and it was equally as sweet as the first one. "Zare, should she just leave the pack?"

"Zare, is still a threat to you whether she's in the pack or not."

I know I must keep my eyes on her closely. Whether I come off as an over-controlling alpha, but what if she?

Reaching for the tree, I pick another apple, even though already, I have taken too many. I hope I don't regret this.

"And what if Zare dies? Will the pack be in no harm anymore?"

"Zara is like a coin, one side can be a downfall, the other the saving grace for the pack."

"What does that even mean?"

Entering the camp, I noticed the pack was all sleeping. Kiara and Chetan lay next to the fire, and Dev I knew was in the trailer watching TV. Zare sleeps under the oak tree in her wolf form. I watch her for a moment. She looks so sweet and innocent, could I really even hurt her? I'm not sure why I even asked the tree that question, like the answer really mattered.

Morning hit the camp, the sun rose above the trees of the forest, shining a bright light into the window of the trailer. I yawn, stretching my arms to the sky, sleep hasn't come easy with the trees' little hints of the future. Dev exits the bedroom and joins me on the couch.

"Morning Alpha, you look incredibly stressed."

"You have no idea, but I probably shouldn't tell you, because you're just run back and tell Chetan."

He runs his hand through his hair. "I was merely giving him a warning."

"A warning?"

"You don't think her downfall to the pack is simply you and him fighting over her?"

"That's a great suggestion, but there were too many other clues to suggest something bigger."

He nods.

"Don't let the Apple tree drive you mad, she's simply one girl and we can handle whatever she throws at us," he tells me.

We hear the door open and try to appear like we were not having a deep and heavy conversation. I see Kiara and Zare enter hand in hand. They laugh, and it makes me feel better.

I watch as Zare pours a cup of coffee and drinks it down in drink. Chetan is the last to enter, he walks over to Kiara, wrapping her into a big hug. I see the pain on Zare's face. I know she feels love for him too, even though she hasn't said anything. I guess Chetan didn't technically really either, but it was ultimately his anger that spilled the beans. But I'll never tell that to Zare. I would lie to her to protect her and withhold information. I'll never tell her about the tree unless I absolutely have to.

I see her move towards the door.

"Zare, what's your plans, where are you going?"

"For a run."

I nod. I know I must not leave her alone.

"Dev, you'll be going with her for protection."

He rolls his eyes. "You're not promoting me to babysit because of the tree."

I glare at him, my eyes threatening him not to DARE finish.

"Because the tree fell over, and she may trip and fall."

Zare looks at him and then shakes her head.

Dev is always saying bizarre Ludacris things. This is somewhat believable, now if Chetan slipped up, we would have a different outcome.

"Dev, that's an order."

"Power Trip now," he gets up from the couch.

Chetan laughs.

"I don't need him to come," Zare huffs at me.

"He's coming and I'm no longer discussing it."

She prances out of the trailer with her hand on her hip. This is going to be great.