A Simple Fact

This quick following of intense noises woke everyone up this time, Narissa's dad hadn't gone back after shouting at the person on the doorstep and was almost immediately where the sounds have come from.

He quickly switched the lights on, the room was drowned in lightn revealing nothing and no one, this was the bathroom of the house, there was nowhere for anyone to hide and he had come here too fast for anyone to go anywhere, especially since the door had been closed and had still been when he arrived.

He was aiming at the now open window, the light illuminated off into the backyard, giving him sight of part of the deck, there, laid one of the shutters, it had been brutally ripped off as the two shutters were forced open, the mettalic part holding them shut had been snapped like a twig.

Those were brand new, there was no way for them to break so easily.

Lastly, the window was shattered, broken shards of glass littered the floor in front of it, the man was too preoccupied about the possibilty of something or someone still being outside to notice, but there weren't any sharp pieces of glass still stuck to the edges of the window frame, there were only at the top.

As the girls and especially Narissa came down to understand what happened, her father had already left the bathroom and shut the door, looking for something to block it off since it had no lock.

"What happened dad?" asked Narissa and first things first, he made sure to put the safety on his shotgun and aim it in the opposite direction the girls, then he tried downplaying what he had seen, since the idea that something could just shatter through though defenses as if it was wet paper.

Though, he was a very bad liar and it was also quite easy to notice his own unease that he failed to properly conceal as he feared for his daughter.

Interrupted their discussion, a small sound was heard, it wasn't much, something that was heard daily but right now, it was horrifying.

The bathroom door opened and immediately, everyone turned to it, Narissa's father was ready to unload his rounds on what was going to appear, the way the door opened, they couldn't yet see what had opened it.

The three girls shuddered as they heard footsteps, while the father didn't seem to react to them.

Stepping out and standing still for a moment, a man in grey stood there, his unusual eyes locked not onto the firearm but on Marina specifically, his eyes were like that of dead fish, unfeeling and cloudy, his incredibly calm expression was haunting now that each of the girls knew just what kind of occupation this man had.

"Shoot him!" yelled of the girls.

"What? Shoot who?" responded Narissa's dad, he hadn't even heard anything that could indicaet someone's presence, so why were the girls so panicked suddenly?

"The man standing right there dad!" Narissa pointed at the man in grey and her father followed to where it was a aimed but saw nothing, there was no one here, no man of any kind.

The intruder ignored the father and just started slowly walking toward Marina, who suddenly felt paralysed, she had been frozen in fear since the start but only now did she realise as she had tried to move.

She looked into his eyes as he slowly approached, passing by Narissa's father, seeing him slightly move the side to avoid bumping into him.

From the blonde's point of view, it didn't seem like the man in grey was moving forward, it felt as if he was moving in place and that instead she was slowly hovering closer to him.

She was pulled away as Narissa picked her up to run further away from the man, which was quite easy, he was walking so slowly, even with his tall build, he was covering less distance per second than the small Gabrielle.

They ran into the nearby kitchen whilst the father was profoundly confused, clearly, his daughter and her friends were terrified by something but he couldn't understand what it was, were they having a collective panic attack? That didn't even cross his mind as he rushed after them.

Marina, now out of her momentary daze, looked as the killer stopped and stepped aside, narrowly but flawlessly avoiding Narissa's father as he almost ran into him.

All the while never stopping staring straight into the blonde girl's eyes.

The man in grey then broke the eye contact and instead looked around, at her two friends, at the man with a shotgun, an automatic shotgun in fact and he stopped before once more beginning to only look at his next target.

In just a blink, the man in grey seemed to have disappeared, one moment, the girls could see him standing, halfway obscured by the counter in the center of the kitchen they had retreated behind and in the next, he wasn't there anymore.

But the illusion was quickly broken, as few moments later, a head with dark purple eyes peeked from behind a corner of the counter, only Marina noticed them.

It was a small child, his height just below that of the counter, he was wearing normal clothes, but his dark hair and purple eyes clearly indicated his identity.

Marina blinked once more and the little boy was gone, replaced with the grey man with his usual attire, he had gotten much closer and unlike his usual speed, he quickly grabbed her by her hair and neck, trying to pull her closer to him.

His placid expression didn't waver at all as he then tried to grab her pyjamas but he suddenly halted as knife plunged through his back, a small knife with a serrated edge, the sort used to cut one's steack, right throught he middle of back, its blade cracked and broken as the flimsy tool struck his spine.

The still confused father, saw his daughter stab the air and the knife levitate there after let go of it, slowly, the knife started to fade away, as if becoming invisible.

"Move away!" he shouted and everyone basically threw themselves to the ground.

A first shot was fired.