Ayse's Late-Night Visitor

Outside the walls of the shaman's hut, the aromas of roasted mammoth and rendered fat were prevalent everywhere. The entire village was filled with that celebratory scent. And it paired well with the weak, village-made wine.

However, not everyone was drinking.

Though everyone was allowed a fair share of mammoth meat, anyone on active guard duty was forbidden from all booze. And the guards or warriors off duty were only permitted a single horn's worth of wine, as ordered by the tribe elders.

That went for the two veteran hunters posted outside the cage in the village's center as well. They eagerly feasted on the mammoth delivered to them, paired with freshly squeezed juice.

Inside the cage, Ayse's toes were pressed against the ground to support his weight. His wrists were aching. And his body was growing sore from his lack of movement while in a stressful position.

Yet Ayse wasn't frowning or complaining. Ayse was smiling softly as he gazed at the vibrant night sky.

*Amazing…* Ayse silently thought in wonder. *So it makes that big of a difference? Having no cities or night lights makes the stars so bright. It's almost like a pop-up book in comparison…*

Thwang, crack!

Both guards were startled by the whizzing arrow. They were about to draw their tomahawks when the culprit walked over, putting his bow away.

"Stand down," Elder LaRae stated.

The experienced hunters did as they were told, returning to their food.

At the same time, Elder LaRae flinched when he realized something unexpected.

The intruder hadn't moved or wavered in the slightest. Despite the arrow landing in the pole only a few centimeters away. He was still staring up at the night sky with child-like enthusiasm.

So, Elder LaRae walked past the guards and entered the cage. His demeanor still carried the weight and dignity of a tribe elder. But his breath carried a hint of alcohol. Not enough to get drunk, but enough to feel a little more daring.

"Sky fiend," LaRae spoke up. His gaze was narrowed and his eyes were filled with disgust. "Why are you here? Why attack our chief?"

Uninterested, Ayse continued to let his eyes explore the possible constellations of that new world.

"I speak as an elder. You will answer me!"


As spit hit his cheek, Ayse blinked and looked back at the elder. But instead of replying with words or a translation via his watch, Ayse offered a quick and simple shrug.

Elder LaRae was completely unsatisfied with such a response. To the extent that he briefly glanced back at the guards. "You're dismissed. Take a break. Go get more meat. I'll guard the sky fiend until you're back."

"Yes, Elder."

The hunters nodded and walked away at a brisk pace. And both of them had an idea as to what the elder's motives were, so they followed along without question.

Alone with the intruder, Elder LaRae's stare sharpened into a sickly leer. "Sky fiend, why are you here?"

"Because Elder Kano tied me up."


LaRae slapped the unfed prisoner straightaway. He wasn't in the mood for games. "Why come to our home? Do you plan to kill the tribe?"

"Of course not," Ayse broke out in laughter, unfazed by the slap or the elder's furious tone. "If I wanted to kill you, why did I let myself get tied up?"

"Don't lie. You're our captive. Answer my questions," LaRae continued the interrogation. "Why come here? Why attack the chief?"

Keeping his smug smile, Ayse answered without caring to simplify his sentences, "Because I had to. My ship can't fly for too long, so I entered the safest-looking gateway I could reach before my engine could stall."

"Flying boats are powerful. I know well," stated the elder.

Ayse nodded. "Yes, really nice ships are very powerful. But my ship is just a clunker I'm using until I reach a modern world, where I'll get a new ship that won't die on me."

"Where are your allies?" Elder LaRae questioned.

That got Ayse to break out in unbridled laughter. "Allies? I'm alone. I've got no one else to depend on in the universe, whether I like it or not. What makes you think I have allies? Are you afraid more ships will suddenly appear to come and rescue me, or something?"

"So you do know! Then you must have allies! Are you with the other sky fiend? That bitch traitor?!" Elder LaRae barked. He leaned in close so his spit could reach Ayse's face. "Don't lie! Where are your allies?"

For a moment, Ayse showed a pulled-back expression. But he quickly chuckled again, saying, "I already told you. I'm all alone in the universe. At best, I know a few people that owe me a favor. There's no one coming to get me and no one tracking me. If anything, I'm glad no one is tracking me. I want to keep it that way.

"And no. I won't be attacking or harming your tribe. Not after I promised LaRee to protect you guys during his father's recovery."

Smack! Ptew…

Though he was slapped across the face and spat on, Ayse's eyes never broke away from the elder's gaze. He showed no signs of weakness or hesitation.

"Protect us? You can't protect yourself…"

Elder LaRae gruffly grunted while lowering his pants. With a determined smirk, the elder began to relieve his waters while maintaining eye contact. "See? You're captured. You're weak. You're like a tree. Stuck there no matter what. Even if I want to take a piss. You can't stop me… Don't lie, you can't protect anything!"

All the same, Ayse didn't flinch as the elder's piss hit Ayse's legs. "I'll do what I want to do. That's how I live. If I want to stay tied up, then I'll stay tied up. Right now, I don't give a shit where you piss. Because I've been through shit far worse than anything you can dish out or imagine."

Immediately, a deep frown sank into Elder LaRae's face. He whipped out his tomahawk without a second thought and took a swing.