... Follow Me

As Arbory stepped aside, Chief LaRoe let the wolf approach first.

LaRee dropped to one knee. He caringly stroked the wolf's neck fur. When the wolf lowered its head, LaRee did the same, touching foreheads with his long-time partner.

"... You'll be a great pack leader," LaRee softly commented.

The wolf offered a soft whimper while nuzzling up to LaRee for a few seconds longer.

"It's time…"

Hearing the chief's statement, the wolf stepped back with a final howl.

As the wolf walked toward Arbory, she proclaimed, "Make sure to have fun out there, enough for the two of us. And bring back as much booze as you can carry, the best possible!"

LaRee watched as his grandma hopped onto the wolf's back. "I will, Granny Arbor. I'll bring you dozens of bottles!"

"Make it hundreds! …"

That was her final shout as the wolf sprinted away, escorting Arbory back to her shamanic hut.