Let Me Join You- NO!

In a different part of the jungle, Ayse exited the closed-off wheelhouse of the ship. His patchwork coat was donned and he was stretching in impatience.

"Hmm… He's still coming, right?" Ayse whispered to himself.

He peered into the jungle and hummed. When he saw nothing approaching, Ayse shrugged and leaped off the ship.

"I might as well put all this away…"

Ayse picked up two baskets, putting one atop the other and while lifting them with one hand. With ease, Ayse scurried up the side ladder and hopped back onto the deck.

He entered the wheelhouse and descended to the small accommodations area of the ship.

"... Ayse…"

A vibrant smile flashed across Ayse's face when that distant cry reached his ears. Dropping off the two baskets, Ayse rushed back to the deck and stared back into the jungle.

"... Ayse! …" LaRee's determined shouts were finally reaching the ship without any issue. "Ayse!"