Don't Go! Please, Don't Go!

Dropping all hesitant thoughts, Baloo closed his mouth. His head tilted downward. 

Amidst that silence, LaRee was a bit confused. So he asked, "What is wrong? Are we not sharing the meat?"

"Oh, we're definitely sharing it," Ayse looked back at the archer with an arrogant, all-knowing smile. "I want something not from a can, and I'm sure he's at least a better cook than me!"

LaRee glanced at the quiet, pondering man below. Still confused, LaRee asked, "Then what is happening? Why are we not going down with the meat?"

Ayse answered, "We will. Once Baloo comes up to grab some for himself."

"But Baloo is a captive. You said the collar hurts and controls him. Yes?" LaRee asked for clarification.