First Cafe and TV Experience

Leaving the swamp, the trio reentered the streets of Ludok. 

Ayse and LaRee were quickly reminded of how pleasant the rest of the world could smell. And the drifting aroma of coffee, tea, and baked goods helped their noses recover from the foul stench permeating the swamp. 

"Y'all were hungry, so I took us down a path to make sure you're bellies would agree with y'all," Harold remarked with a slight nod. 

Patting the skinny bum on his backpack, Ayse said, "Keep this up, and you'll have the next card in your clutches in no time." 

"That's the goal," Harold snickered. He rubbed his hands together, one over the other with great satisfaction. "But I thought y'all were on a budget. How can I know y'all aren't lying about my payment?" 

"You've already checked the first card, so you know the first two-fifty was real," Ayse instantly rebutted. "If I wanted to lie, then I would've done things differently."