Here's the Plan

"Then," Ayse continued through Diona's wrathful shouts, "I'm willing to buy Baloo at a bargain price of three hundred and fifty thousand qil to settle all accounts.

"Now, I know that's a terrible deal on your end, getting only three hundred fifty stacks for a perfect specimen like Baloo. And I might consider paying more for him if I find Baloo in pristine condition during our meeting. 

"But settling the ill will between our posses should be more than worth that discount. Don't you think?"

Diona's passionate personality was hard to control once her ire was boiling over. So, she didn't stop herself from yelling. "Who do you think you are?!"

"I just told you. I'm Silver Crown Ayse, Boss of the Silver Crown Posse. And you have five minutes to call me ba–"

Ayse cut himself off by hanging up.

As Ayse tossed the phone up and down like a toy, LaRee asked, "Are you certain that will work? We will have a hard time if they control the location."