I'm Sorry, Baloo...

Above the rooftops, two men dashed away at top speed. But that speed limit was decreasing bit by bit as the towering Baloo strained himself to keep sprinting.

"How many darts were you hit with?!"

Baloo answered between each pant, "I think… like… four… maybe six?" 

Ayse spoke with a mix of laughter and discontent, "I'm sorry to say this, Baloo, but I don't think you'll make it much farther–"

"I WILL! I won't stop! I'm no slave!" hissing and roaring, Baloo did the utmost to perform the next roof hop. 

However, Baloo's fumbling feet clipped on the edge, forcing Baloo to eat a face full of metal shingles atop the cottage-style building.

LaRee was again leaping into action before Ayse need to say a word. He landed and grabbed the bumbling big man. If LaRee had been a few seconds too late, Baloo would've likely bounced off the three-story roof and landed in the alley below.