Excuse Me, Which Way to the Loading Bay?

With such world-shocking news, the city woke up earlier than usual. Streets were filling up with cars and carts the moment the downpour became a drizzle. And once the drizzle died out, there was no one in Ludok City that didn't know of the prince's capture.

It felt like the sun was the only person to wake up late. But that was only due to the rush for people to wake up.

Hours after the Drury Highrise incident, the light of dawn spread over the city like a warm quilt.

That's when the final piece of related news was hitting the city streets. Fliers and posters were being posted all over the city in search of the man behind it all. 

A block outside of the city's center, there was a warehouse-like store being covered in those fliers. The customers and workers alike were instantly astonished to find those posters, even after hearing the rumors of what happened hours ago.