You're Right, I'm No Slave...

C-C-CRACK! Crumble, C-CRUNCH!!

"Everyone's a monster! So why not embrace it?!"

… Those words clung to the stagnant air, along with the dust of the destruction rising from the new hole in the floor.

"What's wrong with that kid?" Fred yelled, "How badly does he want to die?"

Looking at his side, Fred inhaled. The nick on the lower ribs was thin but longer than Fred realized. It barely bled. Yet Fred could imagine how painful that cut could've been. 

*That brat… missed on purpose?*

That contagious thought was hard to isolate and ignore. But Fred forced himself to do it. Because he knew firsthand how accurate Ayse could be with his knives, and that Ayse had likely just let him off for a second time. 

Such a realization quickly tilted Fred's mind back toward anger. 


"Damned kid will die like he deserves!"