Ask Confidently and I Will Answer

Baloo's reptilian feet halted straight away. He nearly fell over from the sudden stop, but Baloo managed to stay upright thanks to using his tail as a counterbalance. "You're… sure?" 

Ayse walked up to the towering lizard man, patting the teen's triceps. "I'm certain. As boss of the Silver Crown Posse, I wouldn't lie to our next potential member."

"Y-yes! I want to join! I'm free now, I can join. I can be your brother–"

"Easy there, Baloo. We'll take care of that when we have time to talk." Patting the teen once more, Ayse strolled toward a perfectly-in-row line of corpses. "Your hunting habits are showing, Ree."

"Is that a bad thing?" LaRee asked with a smile on his face and a hand on the whip clipped to his side. 

Ayse shook his head. "Nah, just thought I'd mention it. I see you've claimed a new trophy, along with plenty of burns."