I Would Back Off If I Were You

Slit, whoosh.

The training officer raced to grab the phone from her pocket, ignoring the fresh cut along her cheek and the knife now embedded in the road. She heaved in relief to find her camera still working, despite the newly cracked screen. 

C-click. Screeech!

The phone snapped a few pics just in time. Two patrol cars sped by, about to drift to a halt. They passed in front of the field trainer and behind Ayse. Both had officers sitting in and wielding the cars' shotguns, unloading on the stationary criminal. 


Two slugs flew in from different directions. And two knives flew in reverse of those shots. While Ayse dove aside, each patrol car had a tire blow to pieces before they reached a full stop.

Both officers sitting passenger missed their follow-up shot as their drivers lost control at the last second.