New Room and New Needs

"There's no need to worry, Mr. Ayse," the receptionist promptly added. "You and your crewmates will be staying in one of our grand rooms, with a fully-equipped master bathroom attached.

"Now, if you will, follow me, please." 

The receptionist scooted out from behind the desk, hanging a sharp right into their largest hallway. 

"Ree, Little Loo. Let's go." Ayse kept close to the young woman while motioning for his brothers to do the same. 

Not even three minutes later, the trio was brought to a room at the end of the hallway. And the receptionist stepped aside to keep a path open to the door. "After you, Mr. Ayse."

The key card gently tapped the doorknob, causing a light click as the door opened by a crack. Ayse pushed the large yet light door with the back of his hand to reveal their room. 

"Wooow…" Baloo's tongue drooped out of his mouth in a stupor. "This is all for us?"