A Hatter Gone Mad...

After a few suppressed groans and a card swipe, the trio of young men exited the shop with more bags in hand. 

Ayse was the only one with nothing to show for their spree. "Now, where was it again…" 

"Where was what, again?" LaRee asked. 

Ayse sped up as the number of shops increased and the size of those shops declined. The amount of foot traffic plummeted as the trio approached a far corner of the third floor. 

"Ayse, do you know what you are looking for?" LaRee kept up with their bagless leader. 

Nodding, Ayse eventually slowed down. His gaze narrowed on a shop with no one outside or inside. "Found it." 

As they entered the shop, Baloo was confused by the store's name. 

"Hats Madder? What's that supposed to mean? I don't see any hats…"

"That's because I sell only hand-crafted pieces, fitted precisely to your needs!"