Chilling Deluge of Information

Once the water was running again and steam was hitting the glass shower wall, Baloo stepped out of the bathroom. 

The tired ogre plopped onto his double-spread bed with a droning sigh. "Ohhhh… That's goooood…" 

"Then get some sleep. You deserve it, little guy." 

Baloo's eyes creaked open to spot Ayse at the kitchen sink. Naked. "What are you doing?" 

"I told you. I'm washing my clothes." Ayse pulled his hand out of the sink to reveal a bar of laundry detergent. "I don't want to be the only person in stanky clothes." 

"Oh… That makes sense…" Closing his eyes, Baloo's relaxing mind began to drift atop the cloud that was his bed. "Hey… that food was the best… Wasn't it?" 

Nodding from afar, Ayse answered, "It sure was, Loo." 

The sleepy ogre pulled one of the many pillows to his face. "Yeahhh… Thanks, Boss Bro… I'll make sure to cook it all… so we can eat it again..." 

"... Nighty night, Little Loo."