Be Ashamed!

… Almost a full minute passed before that man spoke again. 

"For once, girl… there's some validity to what you speak."

A wave of warmth crashed up against Aegri, rewarding her moment of bravery with a split second of recognition. 

But the man didn't let her off completely. "Still, there is no reason for you to disobey the few rules we've set in place. This is merely a speed bump in the road, which I'll have sorted and straightened out immediately. Till those matters are complete, Vael and Veik will remain as your protective escorts."

Aegri hesitated to speak again, while Ayse encouraged her with circling hands as if saying, "Get on with it!"

"Sir!" Aegri spoke loudly and sharply. She mimicked the man's tone as best she could with her fragile, feminine voice. "I've already hired security! And I won't back down on that! I can't trust your men anymore, it's impossible!"

"Girl, listen here–"