Aye, Aye, Aegri

"What's up? Did I miss something?" 

Ayse's voice turned heads to the doorway. "Is something wrong, Aegri?" 

"No!" Aegri compulsively quipped. "Baloo was just informing me a bit about his tragic past, is all."

Shrugging, Ayse asked, "Well, if you're all done chatting about stuff that doesn't matter, can we discuss what does matter? Like how Aegri wants to spend her first full day without babysitters?"

Aegri felt irked and validated by those words. So she chose to react neutrally. Putting on her bossiest face, Aegri replied, "Fine. I suppose that's for the best."

"... Well?" Raising both hands a bit, Ayse shrugged again. "What do you want to do? We're minutes away from take-off and you said you wanted to rest earlier."

"Right! That's what I want to do first, so please leave my room and let me unpack in peace."