Don't Worry, Baloo

The brawny woman was beyond baffled. She couldn't move her head at all while trapped in the young man's grip. He wasn't squeezing her face too tightly, but it was obvious that he had enough strength to back up his claims. And, even more importantly, it was blatantly clear that Ayse wasn't a man to be intimidated, unlike the apologetic lizard man. 

"Ha, ha…" A light chortle escaped Ayse's lips. His unnaturally warm smile shifted as Ayse let go of the woman. Ayse scratched the back of his head and shrugged. "Sorry about that. I got ahead of myself. Whenever my little brother gets confronted, I tend to… lose myself just a little bit." 

"I… can see that…" the woman replied, slowly straightening her back to stand up and look down on the shorter man.