The Dodo

"Big Bro Ree's gonna compete against the best in the universe?!" Baloo ecstatically cheered in question. 

And Ayse popped Baloo's ballooning imagination. "No, Loo. He's not. Maybe he will, at some point in the future, if Ree chooses to. But not any time soon." 

"But…" Baloo's towering posture deflated. "You heard that guy. Bro Ree's the best he's ever seen." 

"No. Pilor said that Ree is the best he's ever witnessed first-hand," Ayse corrected. "That's not counting any videos on the internet or anyone the guy's seen on TV. Ree's still got a lot to learn before trying to compete on the universal stage." 

While Ayse made sure Baloo's expectations were grounded in reality, Aegri stared at the awkward celebration forced upon LaRee.

She was dumbstruck. Her eyes were glued to the foam target in Pilor's other hand.