It's an Honor to Meet You


Spit splattered against Ayse's chest, with Vael raising one eyebrow halfway up his forehead in fury. 

"You little cur, you've no idea what you're dealing with," Vael cackled with a tinge of madness. "This ain't the little leagues, little boy. I'm the real deal and you're just playing pretend. I have no need for a knife to fuck you up, knave."

Undeterred, Ayse flicked the spittle off his chest with a swift swipe of his hand. At the same time, Ayse put his other hand in his outer coat pocket. "Is that what's going on here? Ha… If I'm playing pretend, then you're playing dress-up with a bunch of men. If that's all I had to go off of, then perhaps I'd expect you brothers to enjoy your time in the slammer…"

Crackle, crackle…

Vael pressed one hand over the other, popping the knuckles of his fist. "Cur… I'll enjoy breaking and crushing you."