Taking the Food to Go

While the entire lounge was baffled along with the nobles, Ayse wasn't surprised at all. "As I was saying, Sir Amir, you're pushing a bit too hard, given her desire for anonymity." 

Ezdrah kept quiet for a moment. He needed some time to process this new development, and the shock on the elven woman's face wasn't helping. 

However, Aegri snapped out of her momentary trance and armed herself with noble decorum. "Amir Ezdrah, I appreciate your comments and your kindness. But I would prefer to remain anonymous, for this trip. I rarely get such a chance to be away from home, and I wish to maximize every minute while I'm able. Though, that would mean I cannot embark on any new romances or relationships of any kind, for the sake of my family and my well-being." 

As the elven woman offered a curtsy, the amir breathed in slowly, bowing his head slightly in acceptance.