Keep an Eye Out...

"... I have a visual. But the little man isn't anywhere to be found."

Tucked away at a courtyard table in Wondaton, a man sipped his coffee. He was dressed in jeans and a souvenir Uncle Wizley polo, a perfect blend with the crowds of Zombieland. 

Keeping the mug to his lips, he pretended to sip while relaying his findings. "I found only the Young Miss and the Gargonii guard. They just exited the Dark Woods. No one else in sight."

"... Good job. Keep on their tail. Relay updates if the little man joins in or they move locations."

The man chuckled and leaned back in his seat, "Sure thing, Boss. This is the easiest gig I've ever taken."

"Say that after we've isolated the little man and extracted our data. Keep to your post."

Far from Deck 35, the other man on the line ended the call under strobing lights. The dark room was enormous. Metal rafters and bridges were hung high overhead to manage the light show and other effects.