I've Done Nothing Wrong

"My affairs have nothing to do with Zanction!" 

The baron barked back with disgust. "I come from Allard with a reputation to uphold. To be asked such a thing is enough to ruin my spotless honor!" 

"It's nothing more than an inquiry, My Lord Baron," Mocke stated with a slight head bow. "Do remember, the investigation of your guard's murder isn't upheld by the Autocracy's legal code.

"In the Knarra Alliance, using Zanction isn't always a major crime. In certain instances, it can be seen as a misdemeanor. So long as no crime was enacted or caused as a result of any particular instance of using the Zanction app. Though, such an instance of use can only be deemed a misdemeanor should someone openly admit to using Zanction in that instance.

"Did I make myself clear, My Lord Baron?"

Karle's lip and nose twitched in tandem. "I see… That is quite a strange law, considering using Zanction is the same as hiring criminals outright."