How Can You...?



A fog of silence drifted through the room. 

Aegri's weak knees wavered. But they didn't buckle. She stood as still as her frantic mind allowed, rethinking every emotion-fueled word that had burst out of her in the past minute. 

All the while, Ayse stood beside her. Back to his small, default smile. Patting the back of her shoulder. 

"... Faegrynn Holt…" 

Through the phone, Mr. Holt's unsettlingly monotone voice returned. 

Aegri's face and fists puckered up with instant regret. Yet her swelling fear wouldn't let her vocal cords loose, regardless of her warring, unkempt emotions. 

"... As I stated. The payment has already been made. 

"You will participate in the April pageant. I permit you to remain in your current suite. Until a new escort ship arrives to bring you home.

"... Is that clear?" 

"Y-yes…" Aegri's shaky tongue squeezed out a soft reply. 

"Very good. That is what I needed to hear."