Land on the Horizon

"What is a planet adrift?"

Two heads swiveled back toward the curious LaRee. 

"You don't know, boy?" Kater groaned in question. 

Meanwhile, Pilor shook his head while rubbing a hand down his face. "How green can you be, LaRee?" 

However, unlike the gunman-archer duo, Head Officer Mocke continued marching with his steady, undeterrable pace.

"There's another reason for you to stay back and stand down. I can't stop you from watching, so long as you stay out of the closed zones. Is that clear?"

LaRee's head bobbed up and down with barely bridled joy. 

"Yes, Head Officer. Your words are as clear as ice."

"That's good to hear. And, though I shouldn't have to add this, the same goes for you." Mocke turned his head slightly, side-eyeing the young man walking alongside the tanned archer. 

Ayse tipped his hat with his usual smile.