"Prepare for a code red, NOW! Escort our esteemed guests to secure locations!"
As if acting on Ayse's comment, Head Officer Mocke's echoing voice suddenly boomed over the officers and civilians. And the cordoning officers wasted no time to duck under the caution tape and push the crowd back.
"But I can't see them yet!"
"What's coming now?"
"At least let me get a good look first!"
While the crowd showed mixed reactions, many of the wealthy, eccentric guests attempted to stand against the escorting officers; a picture-craving mob. They weren't strong enough to push past the officers. But many guests tried their best to stand their ground with cameras and phones held high.
That hollering, hissing voice thrummed through the noisy backlash without any problems. And the fact that it came from a towering, threatening man with the head of a komodo dragon, the spooked crowd begrudgingly parted.