The Second date I

As the video shot on TV ended, Savii dint hesitate and don't waited for the 'questions', but instead she pressed the play button on next part. Once again it showed on black-screen the withe frame, with the name of the next scene of the film.

[The second date]

The background scene was jet another family restaurant, this time they were in downtown. Of course Fizzi and Kurama was siting on table for two, again to each other near window that must be at on second floor so they can observe the street below; to calm they nerves.

Because the silence grow and they have been closely observed by the camera [camera girl], the trap speak up what is in his mind. "So... Secretly escaping the stadium to avoid that entire ruckus was a big succeeding, to the point no one shall be able to notice we are gone for some time. But... This little one as movie director, just showed up from nowhere, as some kind of pro in reality shows business. How she even managed to follow us? I make the double checking if we are tailed and I dint see her anywhere. Is-- is she a ninja?"

The fox made tired sigh. "No she was… She wanted to make a moving pictures art and I-- allowed her to collect reference material. So… she just traveled with me. "


"Okay-- but what? Do you carry her in some purse like some kind of tiny Chihuahua?"

"Not really-- she was taking ride on my tail."


Furtrap curiosity was raising up as he think about it. Especially when he imagine herself on it. "What are you talking about? Riding on you tail? It's fluffy and nice, but I didn't see her there. Its not that you have a saddle on it... Wait… You are not a school bus? Dint ya? Like,-- to have seat for everyone?" Then he realize something. "Waaaaait… If a trick is used like a folding space or miniaturization, then no one will notice anything. Just how many you have with you right now?"

But the fox looked worried and somehow worn down.


Her expression forces him a little bit aback. "Oh... I am sorry. I don't wanted to upset you. I just… So much happened today... That's It's really stressful and I can understand… Because so many depend on us, it was obvious they go a little bit wild or maybe nuts about it."

This pull her out of her thoughts as she raised her hands in denial. "No, no, it's okay." But then, her expression turn to the one that was telling that she wants to make a confession. "It's just that you folks are so wild but still untied like a pack. Experiencing that, I become a little bit jealous of how free you all are to romp around. Currently-- I am in possession of certain… 'Grade school?' if we can call it… And I, literally caring it with me. Sometimes I am so busy with all kind of work that the track was really the only way how to vent it out and the kids love it. But today, all that relax flew straight into trash bin and I was not myself at all. Actually I panicked thinking that the hopeless me is the real me. Because when I screw-up, the effect is devastated." Then she annoyed added in half-voice a (Stupid barrel!) commentary to herself. But instantly change her tone. "I not saying that you company was bad or anything similar. It's the opposite: I like it, but maybe too much."


Seeing the opportunity to lighten up the mod he got a more sociable. "Ah it's okay, lets that go, and just relax. If we just talk about it, the both of us will eventually feel better about it. Just, trust me on this."

"You are truly a nice person. I see it now, why that priest has treasuring you so much; that he will really think that someone like me will try to sink his teeth into you and carry you to his lair."


The withe-teal cat-trap full wide his eyes. "A whaaaat?"

But the golden fox-lady just make a smile. "The truth is, that in any other condition, he maybe was right. I am partially responsible for what happened. No!… The lack of my responsibility is the case. The more I tried to look away, the lees I had it under my control, until I had none. I shall stop my kids to have to much freedom, bestow order on area so other will not messing around so much, but I dint do it. So, at the end; the priest will state that he was right about me from being tricky, even if it was not in my intention."


Seeing her smile lighted his mod. "Ah, seriously chill out! I assume that you let yourself to be too close to you class that you started to treat them as a family. Maybe you really need to give yourself some distance from them for a while. Like a vacation. Otherwise you will not be able to stand on your feet when they move up with they lives. Speaking of witch, what school is it anyway?"

His question made her to roll her eyes. "About thaaaat… It's more of a 'sanctuary' than a school. And they are… in some way… all my kids. Soooo…." As she stops speaking her tail start wiggling and rise at his volume. Soon it was clear it's not just one tail, but a whole bunch of them. [9 tails] One tail, twisted and curved as it was a tentacle from squid. It reached into the furry bush and pull out a fluffy hair cat-girl Loli [KoNeko – kitten?], like if she was a fruit, picked up from fruit basket causally placed on table.

The little Neko has a rather tricky cat expression on her face, but still wave her greetings in friendly manner.


But Furtrap starts overthinking. "Waaaait! I was joking!... Are you really carrying them in yours tail? But the horde you showed earlier… Don't tell me that you actually stuffed them into you… (a**) …or whatever… but… That extra weight… That back pain… Please, tell me you have some kind of pocket dimension hanging somewhere and you use your tail as a gateway." At that moment Fizzi imagine that she will swirl her tails in circle to (summon?) a red double 'T' gate that often act as a symbolic entry point to holy grounds around the Shinto shrines and such.

Or maybe it was she who imagined that particular move. "Impressive. In some way, you are pretty intuitive about some stuff... Indeed, I am in possession of certain realm. It's kind of sacred mountain. It's funny, because I am a head priest of certain shrine that is on top of near hill. We kind of turn it to a spa resort. It work out so well, that it supports the school like sanctuary and other activities. That reminded me that we shall soon go back to the stadium before somebody notice that we are not there."

Meanwhile the 'summoned' Neko girl was looking around curiously. When she managed to looks through the window, her gaze stunned as her attention was aimed on something that was on other side of the street.


But the two ignore her for now and continued they discussion. "Knowing Newdori he will probably thinks that I was kidnapped, and will try to form a search party. So I shall call him to let him know that we are okay.--" He pause for moment as he think about it. "Or rather I shall not."

"There is a possibility that he still dint figured it out, so maybe we can get back before anyone find out that we had been missing in first place.

The little Neko ears twitched at adults comments and returned her attention on fox. "Hey mother, about that free time from us that you had talking about; can you give us just 15 minutes? Like right now? So you can have that time all for yourself? I can promise we will be back on time. Pretty please, meow." Her begging face was enough to convince the fox lady to give her approval. Then she quickly jumps into the fluffy bunch of tails, and disappear in it.

Soon enough a pirate Loli captain with the notable (adult male) pirate 'Aarrr' accent showed herself out of the tails. She quickly looks out of the window at something on other side of the road, until she turned towards Kurama. "Aarrr, Mother. I just wanted to make a confirmation: If it's truly okay for us; to make a quick raid into a nearby shop, that hold a coffer [a chest full of treasure] that we just cannot overlook. We have enough in doubloons [Spanish gold coins] to cover the entire venture [dare trip/ voyage/ mission/ expedition]. So, there is no need for Buccaneer [hired pirate or free sailor] pocket money. It shouldn't even take 15 minutes to get in, grab some loot and come back. I will make sure, that everyone from the crew is back aboard, before we raise the anchor for departure." This role play pirate stared at the lady with so straight face, that the fox was unable to say 'no' or raise any question to any sentence the pirate Loli was said. So with another silent gesture 'green for operation' this one returned into the 'sanctuary' with her "Aarrr".


Really soon the duo at the table overhear a (group commotion) that was coming from the fox tail. Clearly there must be a crowd that has gathered at the other-side. In the area of gateway located in that 'sanctuary'; the pirate Loli was making a some kind of motivation speech.

As the Lollies get fired up into the certain level, the captain drop the 'punch line':

A loud call echoed in the restaurant: "For the bootyyyyy!!" [Booty- treasure or loot/ back of the ship/ butt.]

…the tails collection on the fox lady back burst open wide similar as if someone knocks wide open the front gate/ door on castle/ citadel. The Kurama literally froze in place with eyes so wide open from the sudden shock; like if the tails trying to poop out, or she's just (poop out) a legend.

And the 'Horde of Lollies' marched out… like a savage cavalry… they were running, screaming like a pirates disembarking the ship when assaulting some port. The number of heads participating in this raid raised so quickly from second to second. Ten, twenty, thirty… (who care a lot of them)

This relative snake line of fired up Lollies left the restaurant, cross the street and storm certain shop at the other side of road. They ignored all access restriction because the sell store had a big [XXX] on label sign as it was a 'Love shop' of adult content.


As the duo of adult siting in the restaurant looked from the window: Both Fizzi's and Kurama's jaw bone dropped down. And if it was allowed theirs jaw bone will drop all the way to the floor.

But that dint change the fact, that from the moment the girls entered that shop, someone from them shouted: 'Hit it baybe!!' and a loud bar music echoed from the shop filling the street. Soon the music was upgraded with shouts of 'fired up' woman's on sexy male dancer/ singers to 'steam up' the show. [Shake it! Shaaaakeeee it!]

But there was a time limit for a certain operation and pretty soon a 'sound of purchase/sell' starts echoing from the shop in reparation, as the cash register operate the purchases of goods by those girls and it dint stooped for a while.