Chapter Two

" In the sacred realm of existence, where whispers of eternity echo, I, the xxxxxx xx xxxxxx, bear witness to the symphony that unfolds.

Before life's embrace, in the infinite expanse, silence reigned supreme, an ethereal canvas awaiting creation's brushstrokes. From this profound hush, the tapestry of existence emerged, vibrant and resplendent."

'Huh, who is that, I can't hear you very well...everything feels so fuzzy, where am I..' Jayden looked around himself but saw nothing but pitch black abyss all around.

"Silence, the celestial primordial, birthed the first rhythm, the prelude to life's majestic dance. Its tranquil embrace fostered the genesis of melodies yet to be sung, tales yet to be told. In the stillness, the essence of all possibilities resonated, its gentle touch nurturing the roots of creation's grand tapestry."

' Hello can you hear me...I...I don't understand, but this voice why does it sound so... ethereal but I can't understand what it's saying.' Jayden kept doing his best to listen to whatever was trying to communicate with him but it was no use.

" I, guardian of xxxxxx xx xxxxx essence, bear witness to the sacred dance of silence and life. For in moments of quietude, the heart discovers the profound depths within, where secrets of the universe are whispered. Silence births the awareness that every breath, every beat of existence, bears the essence of eternity.

In the realm of the eternal, silence remains an oracle of xxxxx. It is not an absence, but a potent force, the fertile ground from which all voices emerge.

Like a celestial symphony, life's crescendo is more vibrant when interwoven with the symphony of xxxxxx.

May we embrace the tranquillity within, for it is the conduit through which the xxxxxx melodies of our souls find expression.

In the realm of whispers, let us cherish the divine gift of xxxxxxx, where life's genesis blooms, and the celestial tapestry is woven."

The moment those final words were spoken a sudden flash of brilliant light beamed from the darkness and for the first time in a long time, Jayden was able to see...

It was beautiful, the birth of a cosmos, the formation of the stars...the birth of a brand new universe.

Jayden knew not what was happening but could at least admire its beauty, for truly few get the opportunity to witness the birth of life itself.

And in that brilliant flash of light, Jayden who had been blind for so long caught a glimpse of something, no of someone.

They were male in stature and had the most beautiful singing voice he had ever heard back on earth, and attached to his back were...

' Are those...' But before he could comprehend what he saw, his vision suddenly blurred and his surroundings changed from one of brilliant starfire to the lush green of the amazons.

" I see you have finally arrived." A powerful but gentle voice suddenly spoke out a few metres away from where Jayden layed in the nude.

Jayden finally with a body gasped for air while looking around in confusion. But oddly enough felt no fear in his heart.

" Where am I...and who are you...wait I remember now I was in the park helping that woman and then." That's when it dawned on him, he was dead.

" Indeed you are young one, but do not fret for you bear no sin big enough to be sent to the pits of damnation, no, for a soul such as yourself, you are welcome in Eden."

The elderly man wearing nothing but a toga said as he smiled kindly to Jayden." Eden? Wait Eden as in the garden of Eden...then is this..."

" Yes it is, but also isn't, this is only the first part of your Immortal journey, that is if you so desire to choose that path." The old man said while picking a fruit from a burning bush nearby.

It looked like no fruit Jayden had ever seen before and the weirdest part of it was it was actually glowing with a dull white light. In fact, everything in Eden did, even the old man.

" What do you mean 'If I so chose?'...what are you..." Jayden's jaw almost dropped when his thoughts finally caught up to him.

" Hahahaha!! If you're talking about the man above then no I am not him, I am but a simple throne looking over the garden and guiding souls to their next adventure." The old man responded with a hearty chuckle before throwing the fruit he picked from the bush to Jayden.

Jayden caught the weird-looking fruit that seemed to be a mix between a pear and a star fruit, it actually reminded Jayden of a devil fruit.

" I see, can I eat this." He asked not to be rude but the old man just gestured with his hand to go ahead.

So he did...and Jayden who had eaten many of fruit in his life actually cried, tears rolling down his face while his mouth devoured the fruit without hesitation.

" can such a taste exist, it it was...I can't even describe the taste, thank you." Jayden bowed, he didn't know if he could eat any fruit in the garden but he didn't dare to, greediness was also a sin after all.

" Hahaha, I'm glad you enjoyed it and no this garden is for all to enjoy and bask in, be not afraid to eat more if you so desire." The old man said as if reading his...

" you can read my mind." Jayden asked in shock.

" No, it is just that in the garden nothing is hidden. But as I was saying earlier you may walk in that direction and in time you will face the gates that will lead you to eternal immortality...but as you are a special case there is a second option, one that many do not get very often.

" And what's that." Jayden asked curiously as he approached the old man while picking a fruit here or there. He then sat In front of the old man while paying close attention.

" Well, that would be to be reborn into a new world of course." The old man said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Wait, wait, wait ?? Are you talking about like reincarnation, I thought that only happened in fanfictions of manga, am I actually being punked by Celestial or something."

" Haha, no you are not being punked child, plus the celestials are far too busy to be playing with a mortal."

' Wait there are actually celestials, mhh? Maybe the archangels could also be considered celestials couldn't they...hold up, so that figure I saw earlier...'

" Indeed and yes it could be seen as similar to those fanfictions and manga you like reading so much."

" I see... so if I choose to reincarnate, what will happen after I die again, will I return here." The old man paused after the question which confused Jayden.

" Sigh! That will depend solely on yourself young one, the decisions you make and the road you take is all in your hands. So what do you choose child."

Jaden looked down in contemplation.' This place is truly a paradise, it has so much I've yet to see, and I wouldn't have to suffer anymore...but that isn't what I want, there is still something I want to do, a dream I want to complete no matter what.

" I've made my decision..." Jayden paused before remembering he hadn't even asked for the man's name.

"I'm sorry I completely forgot to ask for your name." Jayden said awkwardly.

" Haha! You may call me Zachriel, but most just call me Ariel."

" Pftt, wait like the..."

" Yes like the mermaid." The old chuckled with Jayden for a good minute before Jayden finally calmed down.

" I've made up my mind Ariel, I chose...