Hi, My name is...

Retreating back on trembling legs, Sirius' dimly glowing golden eyes darted back and forth between the recently returned hunting group. A part of him was hoping that one of them, any of them, might step in and stop this madness, but when he saw the looks of utter distain or amusement at his miserable situation it quickly became clear that was never going to happen.

He could feel his heart in his throat, as if it threatening to crawl it's way out and make a break for it just to save itself. Every set of eyes on him, from the animalistic and predatory stares of those who hated him to the pitiful looks he was receiving from the casual observers. Every single one of them made his skin crawl and his hair stand on end. Each second that passed by felt like he was tied to train tracks, being forced to listen to the clacking of trains wheels as it rapidly approached him.