Tonight I dine on turtle soup

As Seth stepped through the conveniently marked hole in the clearly labelled wall, he had left Corvus outside to 'mingle' with the rest of the hunting group, which simply meant standing there like a silent creep until someone spoke to him. Which is about how his normal social interactions went, especially at parties. Not that he ever got invited to many, no idea as to why though.

It also give him the perfect look at the utter disgrace that was Cynthia, her entire body turned crimson and the liquid inside her body constantly bubbling and boiling, in her own version of blushing. He didn't even know if she was aware that she was doing it, but it seemed that Alexandra was too preoccupied with the story to notice or simply too nice to point it out. Even when the slime girls legs turned into a puddle of jelly as she literally melted from the compliments she was receiving from the chiselled Amazonian.
