Mistress of Magnetism

A web of crackling electricity wrapped itself around Astra's meditating forms as wayward bolts arced from the forming ball and struck the ground, leaving smoking and sizzling scorch marks or even melting the road on contact. If Seth had been awake for his own metamorphosis, he might have thought that she was forming a similar, if more dangerous, cocoon around herself made of pure electricity. But such a thought would have quickly been proven wrong. At least, partially wrong.

Unbeknownst to the pair watching the electrifying spectacle, all around them objects were beginning to shudder and move. It wasn't just any object, however, seemingly limited to ruined cars, nearby lampposts and other such metallic objects. Their first hint at the events unfolding around them, was when a single copper coin, dropped by someone in the first day and never picked up again for it no longer served a purpose, launched itself off of the ground and flew between their heads.