
There were always chances that when something was revealed that the other side would choose to investigate themselves to solve a problem so the only real way to have the advantage was to catch the other party when they were less prepared and when they knew nothing about what was happening.

They did not know what was going on behind their backs that could affect their lives in a bad way so once a person had come to them revealing that they held such information, there were those that would give in to demands that had been made so long as they were not too unreasonable.

The man had asked for a small position in her company to be available along with a small amount of stocks which would not affect her in a big way so she had signed the contract so that her potential problem could be resolved.

The envelope was then slid over once the documents had been signed so Mrs Brown unsealed the envelope to take out what was inside.

A large pile of photos with dates on them had been laid out on the table along with a usb, the man opposite her took the documents and bowed. "I hope that you can resolve your problem swiftly."

Mrs Brown looked through the photos and felt like destroying everything around her in a fit of rage but had somehow managed to hold herself back. "That..cheating.."

In front of her eyes were all kinds of intimate photos of her husband that had cheating on her with another woman.

The worst part about it was that he had been so disrespectful towards his wife that he had done it all in their own home when she was away.

Some additional information was gathered on the woman that he was cheating on her with so it was even more helpful towards getting a more accurate picture of what had been going on behind her back.

It was revealed that her husband who she had been together with since her college days had a childhood friend that he grew up together with until he went to a college further away from home.

It had been around a year since they were reunited which had led to them having an affair.

Mrs Brown did not notice any strangeness going on behind her back or got any clues from her husband due to her being busy at the company.

Once she had come to her senses and looked over everything, a vengeful look appeared in her eyes. 'This should be more than enough to keep everything that is mine but it couldn't hurt to keep playing ignorant so I can gather more evidence of my own.'

Mrs Brown had already decided that she would not let him get away with what he had done and that he would not get a single penny from her during the divorce.

Their assets would be split between them and that included the business too so she was very grateful and pleased that she had acted quickly to sign the contract otherwise she may have been the one to lose put.

There were always others that would be more willing to use the information she had gained or it could have been used to warn or extort money from her husband.

If she had declined then it would be likely that her husband could become a fatal weakness to her and her company by siphoning off funds to pay off his blackmailers but she now had the power in her hands.

In the marriage agreement, there were clauses that had stated that if there was any infidelity then her husband would lose his right to take his side of the assets if they ever divorced.

There were some sound and video recordings in different locations that her husband had met up with his lover on the usb along with so many intimate photos so there was more than enough for her to prove his infidelity.

With the aid of the gathered evidence along with some from her own sources, Mrs Brown had filed for divorce and a large battle begun between husband and wife until she was able to keep all of her shares and assets.

The company shares and other important things to her did not have to be split up so she could move on with her life while having her family business remain in a stable state.

The only main difference was that if there was ever the mention of a certain position in the company then the person holding it had yet to show themselves and had not contacted her yet.

Meanwhile in many other parts of the country, there were similar situations that had happened which resulted in money being exchanged or a small amount of shares being exchanged for vital information which resulted in people being able to swiftly handle the issues in their family home.

It did not just involve cheating but anything that could put their family at risk like being involved with drugs, scams or even the accidental killing of others within their family home.

If the innocent person that was contacted first was not so accepting of paying for such information then it depended on the character of those that were handling the matter for Tiffany who only cared about the end result.

If those handling the investigation were those that did not care much about the harm it did to others then they would go find others to use the information gathered to blackmail those that were in the wrong even if it meant there being potential harm to the innocent party.

If her siblings did not handle the matter themselves then they would have it passed down to those beneath them unless they chose to pass it off onto someone else that could discreetly handle the matter for them.

All Tiffany had to do was watch what was going on inside of those homes and make a note of the usual times that such actions took place then the rest could be further investigated by others once Tiffany was able to lay her eyes on a single letter or document with the address on it.

The reach of Tiffany was extending far and wide as it was continuing to grow and so was her wealth and power but she was still left unsatisfied.

Many of the accounts and shares may have been in her name or someone else's but it was too difficult to access them without bringing them to the attention of her adoptive parents and she was still very fragile.

There may have been a large amount of growth for her but it was mainly in the form of wealth and influence which was not easily accessible.

Her body was still that of a living doll which was very fragile and could break easily so she had to be careful around others so that she did not sustain any more cracks or major injuries.