
The officer who had split from the others looked around themselves to see if there was anyone around them as they took the phone call.

They were cautious about being overheard as they were very vigilant of their surroundings and lowered their voice to talk to the person who contacted them.

He could hear the voice of the person who had contacted him as they spoke in a deep tone of voice that had a hint of concern in it. "Have you found anything?"

The officer maintained his vigilance as he replied. "There has not been much that can be used. Your tip-off was helpful but it did not come in time for us to find anything of use. There seem to be traces of there being a clean-up of the area so we did not get there in time."

The voice on the phone spoke again. "How unlucky... I did not hear anything from the others for so long that I figured something had gone wrong. The plan was supposed to be successful and I had thought of all sorts of things that could go wrong but..."

They had planned meticulously to corrupt two gangs from within and turn them against each other.

It was a plan that had been in the works for a very long time and it would result in a large amount of losses for the two gangs that were targeted.

What took place would be the spark that would ignite a huge war between the two major gangs in the city and everyone else would be busy trying to take advantage of the situation.

Some would move to secure benefits for themselves and take up new territories from the remains while others would be partnering up with one of the two gangs so that they would gain rewards for their assistance.

The person on the phone had connections within the police and many other places so he had spies that were a part of anywhere that was needed.

All that was needed was for someone to light the fuse for the war to erupt while he remained hidden in the shadows.

He and those he was connected to would continue to remain in the shadows until the moment was right for them to emerge and take over everything.

The plan was supposed to revolve around the meeting of the two gangs and that was why it was so carefully crafted to have none of the gang members leave alive.

The gangs would never survive after having to suffer from an outside attack combined with those they were supposed to be fighting alongside as betrayers.

The numbers of those who were going there and the information related to them all were already known so everything had been calculated thoroughly.

There should have been no miscalculations since there were no sudden changes and those who were sent should have been able to handle it.

There was no need to send a much larger force to make sure it was a success when no changes were being made.

Doing so would only end up with there being too big of a group attacking that it would be far more difficult to hide.

With the numbers that were sent, it was to be expected that there would be some casualties involved but it would not be too bad.

It was never within his calculations that everyone would be wiped out.

What was worse was that some among them had been captured.

The lone policeman sighed. "If only we had been contacted sooner..."

The voice on the other end paused for a moment before speaking again in a conflicted tone of voice. "I agree but nothing can be done about it now. I had wanted to leave some time available for them to contact me. That way they would be able to have everything sorted before then."

He could not contact the police to report anything since it would put his people at risk and could potentially end up exposing himself and the rest of his organization.

Everything was supposed to be a success and everyone involved would begin to deal with the aftermath.

They would be given a set amount of time to achieve everything before they would have to get in contact with him.

The time passed that allowed them to achieve all of that was what Butch made use of to cover everything up after it had all come to an end.

There had been no contact after everything and at the time that had been set so he was left waiting for their call.

When he started to feel that something had gone wrong, he sent someone to drop by to check things out but they did not find anything that they should have been expecting.

Even the safehouse that had been prepared for those involved had not been visited so everything pointed to the likelihood that the plan had failed and they had died or they had gone on the run.

More time passed to allow that to happen before the police contact he had was finally made use of.

He needed to take precautions before he used such an important card and yet many of his precautions had ended up causing him more trouble and ended up being helpful to others rather than himself.

the policeman asked. "So what should I do now?"

The voice replied moments later. "Just take note of everything like you normally would and try to look into the activities of the top gangs for now. Try not to dig too deeply so that you will draw attention to yourself. I do not know how many moles there are from other places yet."