
It was just another day as everything was proceeding as usual.

Tiffany was under the protection of Butch and Puck as they occasionally switched places watching over her.

While under their protection, she kept running most of her operations from a single room.

Puck was watching over her since Butch was being kept busy as the gang was trying to deal with the aftermath of what took place inside and outside of the gang.

With some of the recent losses, there needed to be some restructuring to make up for the imbalance in power.

One of two things needed to happen to help stabilize things.

The first was that one of the people in lower positions would be placed in positions left empty.

The second thing that needed to happen was that those in higher positions needed to absorb those who no longer had anyone to control them.

Those in slightly lower positions were busy trying to prove themselves and making power grabs to seize the empty position.

Those in higher positions were trying to absorb those who had been left without a leader.

If it was left unchecked, everything could spiral out of control and it could result in even greater damage to the gang.

It would especially be problematic if such things were left to continue as they were and outside forces were able to learn about it all.

Such a chaotic period would be exploited by outsiders quite easily to help seize territories and much more.

Anything that could disrupt the gang's operations could be done and one among those was recruiting those who were desperate for power or sensed the disturbance in the gang.

There were always those who would rely on others outside of their gang to seek opportunities for themselves and there were others who were just as easily corruptible since they were worried about their stability.

Anyone who believed themselves to be at risk would seek out ways to survive even if that way to survive would come from an outside force and even if there was a risk to themselves by doing so.

There was always a chance that they would be used and discarded while there was always a chance that they could be found out as traitors and be punished.

Not everyone would be so willing to take the risk and naively believe in others but there was always one or two that would be swayed by promises.

All it took was one person to leak intel on their movements and operations to cause losses to the gang.

It could be said that Butch was quite busy trying to hold the gang together while trying to prove himself useful.

The time came for Butch to return and Tiffany took her attention away from what she was doing to look over as he entered the room.

Butch slowly stepped inside before turning his attention toward Puck who was standing on guard. "You are relieved of your duties."

Puck looked back toward him before bowing her head slightly.

Her eyes shifted away from him for a moment. "Un."

There was something about her body language that was different from before.

It was quite unlike how she had acted around him previously.

There was a certain distance between them that was not there previously as she could not even look him in the eyes.

She left the room in a hurry leaving only Tiffany and Butch remaining.

Tiffany noticed the strange atmosphere between them which had been going on for some time already.

It had been going on for a couple of days but Butch still seemed to be completely oblivious about it.

It had all started a couple of days ago and not even Tiffany had noticed the strangeness right away.

There were some things she started to notice along with some different behaviors that Puck did not usually use.

She had not been as devoted to her job and not as focused as before.

There were times when it seemed like her mind was not completely in the room and as if she was waiting for something.

She was on her phone more than usual as she was in contact with someone which was quite unlike her.

Everything that was happening had been noticed by Tiffany yet Butch had still not realized a single thing so she let out a sigh. "Brother, you suck at times like this."

Butch frowned in response but there was some confusion in his eyes. "What is up?"

Tiffany looked toward the closed door where Puck had left before speaking again. "You must have done something wrong."

Butch crossed his arms as he took on a defensive posture. "What did I do wrong? What is going on?"

Tiffany shrugged in response. "How should I know? You two seemed to be quite close but now? It does not seem to be so. Something has changed. As for what it is... I have no idea."

Butch looked quite clueless and began to ask in a worried tone. "You mean something is wrong between me and Puck? How can that be... we always got along well."

Tiffany shook her head as if denying his statement. "Sure, you may have always got along but anything can change that. Do you expect everything to remain the same forever?"

Tiffany had seen many lives from an outsider's perspective as they went through many different outcomes.

Very close relationships could fall apart quite easily and people that had been deeply entangled could drift apart.

It could happen overnight or over a long time but there was usually some cause behind it.

Sometimes it was a disagreement or having different pursuits in life while others had different things that would have affected their lives in ways that caused them to think differently than before.

Relationships were tested through each trial in life and depending on how both parties dealt with those trials, they could forge through it or fall apart.

Butch looked quite troubled by what Tiffany said and his voice became slightly more serious. "I cannot remember doing anything. Puck is like a sister to me... we have been through so much together."

Tiffany sighed in response. "Maybe I am just looking into all of this too deeply and could be wrong but I do not think so. I do not know her too well to know everything but maybe it would be best to keep an eye on her?"

She did not know Puck as well as she knew Butch.

Butch trusted Puck and vouched for her but Tiffany could not do the same.

The behavior of Puck had been a little alarming and the change in attitude seemed like she had something to hide or feel guilty about.