Factory Employment(II)

Dyne comprised a total of four active settlements. A mine, a farm, a factory and a transport hub. Each of these were small several family homes remnant of early mining and factory towns. With premium road and pathways, plus accessible river traffic, the small settlements felt very connected. Factory town, as the lady referred to it as or, builders city as the locals called it was the largest, with a total of one hundred and seventy-four residents.

Its name's sake was a single plant, driven by some mysterious means that housed every production aspect of the house of dyne. Foundry and forge, machining, plastics, chemicals, magical processing and special process, were all departments within the massive steel walls. It was huge; however, the scale wasn't as large as she expected. Having traveled a bit, Lady Tiffaney had a better idea of what big was, and this was still massive.