Grand Balls and other Festivities (VI)

"Now Entering Countess Rosewood, and her Regent!" 

"Don't stress we can fix things no matter what happens."  Lady Dyne spoke softly to the heir before she gently escorted the noble forward, a half step behind her.  Both proceeded down the main stair of the mezzanine balcony. 

Standing behind her to show that the kid was the one in charge was a planed move.  It was a good way to hint to others that the noble lady was not superfluous.  A lot of preparation had been done to prepared the noble heir, and the Lady Dyne couldn't wait to settle this so they could go back and science. 

"…"  There were a lot of people In front of her, more than ever before.  She was on the mezzanine landing, as if a podium for her to speak to everyone.  Her hands griped the cloth covered railing, garishly decorate for tonight's ball.  Under her butterflies noble Tiffaney was sweating big time, completely flushed and full of the desire to sprint in the opposite direction.