Doomsday and you, an Educational Approach to Doomsday(V)

Tiffaney had dressed formally today, slacks and a dress uniform made everyone look handsome.  She also had both crest on with a woven rope over her shoulder to signify her status as heir.  This would be one of two times she would be required to wear her formal attire, her first and last lessons. 

Outside of that, pajamas were fine if they didn't stop her from wearing PPE.

Naked could also be accepted on Fridays.

Ruby and Citrine helped get her ready today, however the apprentice was required to assist in wearing the rope, as ladies did not generally wear them.  Sharp dark colors, her brass and emblems gleamed brightly, and her hair had been waxed down into her new signature short tail.  She looked clean and professional, exactly like a noble heir should.