Hunt for the Missing Mother(II)

Renslow had its own counterpart to Metzen, her first destination was not here but the main transportation hub beyond the border city.  Large goods and shipments went through a separate custom, and those roads met and collided at her destination. 

She wasn't alone, the road was paved with stones and mortar.  It turned out, that dusty long roads were the same, whether it was Onyx Holm or Renslows.  Joining the milling crowed she managed to make the main hub buy sunset, having traveled ten kilometers.  With so many travelers, inns were abundant, and she found a reasonably priced one, paying with Renslow marks to avoid the currency exchange. It was clean enough, with a simple wood frame, heather matrass, and an animal skin toping.  A simple linin blanket had been provided, Tiffaney used this with her own manufactured blanket, ideal to cover up unhygienic surfaces.