Dark Burrows Devoid of Light (III)

"May a rock fall out of the sky and smote thee."  Lady Dyne was waiting for the moment that her new nemesis arrived.  As a rule there were no taxes paid to outside agencies, and there were no taxes collected from the people in Dyne Territories in general.  Most of everything that needed to be done was assigned and that In turned secured food lodging and shelter. 

Also no one liked the nobility as a general rule, so to hell with their taxes. 

"Smote?  Is that even a word?"  Ivy Nocturne was present with the Lady Dyne, having been picked up in a fast travel aircraft.  No one had yet known how to make humans fly so it was almost never used. 

"Past tense of 'to smite'."  Lady Dyne dismisivly shot back at the girl.

"Not smited?" Ivy knew she was badgering but it was worth doing.

"Nope it's always been smote ore smitten, though most of us know smitten as to fall in love."