Civilizations Bygone from Unknown Times (IV)

In the darkness the sound of rushing and broken water was far more frightening than a large dark shape.  Standing ready the party watched as the dark blob inched closer. 

"That looks like stone..."  Ivy was the first to speak up. 

"A stone monster brought to life!  I'm doomed!"  Leanna faltered immediately crouching down hugging her knees.

"Not if we get it first!  Void star-" Nightengale was about to blast everything in front of her.

"Wait!"  Tiffaney as the forward person shouted.  From her position she could see the true nature of their enemy was revealed to her. 

"It's a raft."  Only the sound of water remained. 

"As in boat?" Ivy asked lowering her hands.

"Yes.  I think this may have been a ceremony of some kind."  Neither noble spoke what they were really thinking. 

People can build amazing things that don't try to kill you.  How novel. 

"Wait I don't have to swim?"  Leanna asked from her crouched position.