Ice Sheets and a wild domain(I)

"Hey shortie, what's the deal with you trying to get in the way of our guy?" Tiffaney was stunned. No one ever called her shortie before to her face in fact, the open hostility was a nice change from veiled threats and implied wrongs. 

"By your guy do you mean…" Tiffaney had joined her half-brother at the smithy, happy to have proper tools to make some items she thought they would need for their expedition. She wanted to single cell cast some foot nonstick footwear for the snow and ice, however they lacked the heat control to make such pieces. Instead, three young local girls had sprung up at the smithy and ambushed her.

"Jim is our toy, and my man, so you should stay away if you know what's good for you." Tiffaney was not sure what was going on but before she could ask Ivy spoke up.