Grand Titan and It’s Contemporary Equivalent (V)

Running through audio processing, the voice carried a surreal quality to those who had never heard of filtering. What truly touched the steward, was that something had triggered a very primordial understand that he had stood between a mother and her offspring. It was a very cold sweat inducing feeling that even those a few meters away could feel. Even further was that the tall, elegant lady dyne was the size of a foot ball linebacker with two layers of pads and four-inch heels.

Not to be out done the steward melted and slipped behind the metal monster only to be backhanded as he rematerialized. Gracefully arcing over the ice and snow he found a profound connection to the clouds as he landed on his back half a dozen meters away. While one could blame the sensor suite, compared to the legendary skill of Sir Octave Bandersnatch, the steward of Twisted Sky was lacking in his execution of backstabbing.